I need you to bring me back

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I glanced around me and gasped. I was floating in thin air through time. I couldn’t place any of these images I was seeing. These weren’t my memories, they were some else’s. Someone who knew me but I didn’t know them. In one of the images was two little girls, one with long flaming red hair and the other with blonde hair, climbing a tree. I gasped and saw another image. This one had the same girls, but they looked older. Gasping again, I saw that the blonde girl was me.

“You are in the realm of Limbo,” boomed a devilish voice and I tried to see who was speaking but I was the only one here.

“Wh-who are you?” I gulped and the voice sighed.

“I am the Devil,” said the voice and a mangled silver figure appeared. “You are in the realm of Limbo as your sister and friends try to bring you back. They have three days before the Limbo door closes. Or I get to keep you, your sister and your family. If they succeed, I get the Wolf King, in which you must kill,” the Devil said and I swallowed.

Please, Mikey. You have to bring me back.

I covered my face as the Devil shone brightly and had to squint to see what he was doing. The Devil shone the different colours of the different emotions.

“Your time has begun,” he said before the darkness engulfed him, leaving me alone with the images.

I crossed my legs and sighed, floating on a cloud of grey. Resting my head on my hand, I thought about Mikey and closed my eyes. I sensed that he was asleep, lying really close to my body. Taking deep, calming breaths, I focused on him and felt a slight pull.

“Willow,” Mikey whispered and I turned around, smiling.

“Hey,” I said and Mikey hugged me.

“Is this a dream?” he said and I nodded.

“Yeah, unfortunately,” I replied. “Listen, the Devil told me you have three days to bring me back or he gets me, my sister and our parents.”

“How do we bring you back?”

“I’m in Limbo. Maybe you could swap me with someone?”

“Oliviana said something about bringing Hate back and replacing souls.”

A single tear slid down his cheek. I smiled and leaned up to him, pecking his lips.



“I never told you I love you a lot.”

“I love you a lot to.”

Mikey smiled and our lips met again. We were suddenly jerked apart when Mikey started shaking.

“Mikey?” came Gerard’s voice and Mikey looked at me.

“You need to wake up,” I whispered and Mikey shook his head.

“No, not only when I just got you back,” he said.

“I’ll see you soon,” I smiled and the dream ended.

I snapped my eyes opened and smiled. Mikey was going to try and bring me back and i know he will succeed.

Willow Montgomery - My Chemical RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now