My Parents?

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“Okay,” I sighed and looked at Jeremy, who smiled.

I took a deep breath and approached a couple standing in front of a car. They looked like me, but in a sad way. The man had circles under his eyes and his hair was turning grey. His green eyes were dark and downcast. The woman’s hair was turning a light brown and her eyes were red from crying. I chewed my lower lip and stopped in front of them.

“Hi,” I whispered and they looked up.

The woman gasped and a hand shot to her mouth. Her eyes widened and glimmered with tears. The man stared at me with his mouth hanging slightly open. I skimmed my own eyes over the both of them, suddenly washed over with their emotions. Love, happiness and the one that had me confused, regret.

“Willow?” said the man and I nodded.

“Who are you?” I asked, somehow already knowing the answer.

“We’re your parents,” the woman whispered and my eyes widened.

Just hearing my mum say that made my eyes tear up. For the last twelve years, I had no idea who my parents were and suddenly, out of the blue they wanted to see me. Doesn’t make sense, does it?

“Why wait twelve years to see me again?” I asked and they looked at each other.

“We were forced to get rid of you,” mum said and I nodded. “Now, we need to tell you what you are.”

“I’m a Halfling, Mum,” I said and Mum smiled.

“No, you’re not a Halfling. You are a full vampire,” Dad snarled and I stepped back.

That would explain the blood lust.

“So why tell me now?” I hissed.

“Because you weren’t ready all those years ago,” Dad hissed back and I clenched my fists. “When you were born, a Vampire Witch came to us and said that you were different to other Vampires because you are human born and when you turn sixteen, you will be a full vampire. On the full moon after your birthday, your sister will find you.”

“My sister?” I asked and relaxed my hands.

“Sakayla,” Mum said and I looked at her. “She looks more like me.”

‘Willow, time’s up,” called Jeremy and I chewed my lower lip.

“Jeremy’s right. The Wolf King will be wanting to us back now,” Mum said to Dad and he nodded.

“The Wolf King has you guys?” I said and Mum nodded.

“Bye Willow,” she said and they vanished in a whirlwind of colour.

A hand enclosed on my shoulder and a wave of sadness rippled through my body.

“Come on, Gerard and Mikey will be looking for you,” Jeremy said and I nodded.

Turning around, I saw a crazy looking Werewolf leaning against the wall and staring at us. Well me. Jeremy followed my gaze and growled. I took two steps back and bumped into something. Something big. I looked up and saw a gigantic Werewolf staring down at me. I smiled and looked back at Jeremy, who was glaring at the Werewolf. Two meaty hands grasped onto my elbows and lifted me off the ground.

“Ow,” I shouted. “Watch the grip. I’m not that fat.”

Jeremy turned back around to find me in the air and a whirlwind of colour engulfed him. The other Werewolf who was leaning against the wall was also engulfed in a whirlwind of colour. Both whirlwinds subsided and two majestic Werewolves stood where the two humans had been. I sucked in a breath and glanced at the other Werewolf. He smirked at me and I cringed, drawing in his emotion. I focused on his anger and stared at him straight in the eyes, compelling him. When I felt I had complete control over him, I made him place me gently on the ground and have a fit. Glancing back up, I saw Jeremy on the ground, in human form. The other Werewolf advanced towards me and I backed away, slamming into the wall behind me. The Werewolf approached me, smiling and I gulped, hoping that one of the others would show up. The Werewolf curled his fingers around my throat and I stared at him. I couldn’t get a grip on any of his emotions and he was starting to choke me.

“Good bye Halfling,” he whispered and dug his nails into my throat.

I screamed out in pain and the Werewolf was suddenly ripped away from me. I fell to the ground and laid there, watching three Werewolves fight the one that tried to kill me. My vision began fading and I felt limp. The last thing I felt was a hand on my shoulder and the last thing I head was “I’m sorry Willow. I should never have left your side.”

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