Wow, he still cares

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Staring at the creepy looking castle standing before me, I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. I turned my head and shrank back a little in fear. The door creaked opened slowly and I shivered at the sound. A Werewolf, in human form, stood in the doorway and glared at me.

“What do you want?” he snarled and I gulped.

“I want to see my parents,” I stuttered and the wolf laughed.

“And you would be?”

“Willow Montgomery,” I hissed and the wolf’s eyes widened.

“I’ll be right back,” he said, before shutting the door in my face.

I glanced around and waited, watching the forest that surrounded the castle. I glanced at the moon and noticed that it was at about ten thirtyish. I groaned. Donna was so going to kill me. I released the breath I didn’t realize I was holding when the door opened again. My parents stepped out and the door slammed shut.

“Willow, we only have ten minutes, so make it quick,” Dad said and I took a deep breath.

“What does my sister look like?” I asked.

“Sakayla looks like your dad,” she said and I nodded, memorising Dads’ facial features.

“When can you guys leave this creepy place?” I blurted and Mum looked down.

“When He is killed,” Dad said, “by you.”


“Yes, you have the power to use emotions,” Mum said, “your friends will be able to help Mikey, Gerard, Frank, Ray, Bob and Sakayla.”

“Umm, yeah about Mikey and Bob,” I said and stared at them, “they both hate me. Like really hate me.”

“Why?” Dad asked.

“Long story,” I smiled and Mum glanced back at the door.

“Mark, we have to go back inside,” she said.

“Okay Lucy,” Dad replied. “Bye Willow.”

“Bye sweetie,” Mum said, a tear running gently down her face.

“Bye Mum, Dad,” I smiled and they went back inside.

I sighed and turned back around, walking towards the town. I thought I smelt Mikey but the scent was mixed with fur and blood. I followed the scent and saw Mikey glaring at Bob and Kane.

“If you hurt her in anyway, I’ll kill you,” Mikey growled and Bob snickered.

“Yeah, Kane here really likes her,” he said and Kane smiled at Mikey.

A wave of fear rolled off of Mikey and I groaned, feeling dizzy. The weird ripple was sent through me and it knocked me off my feet. Two big meaty hands threw me into the clearing and I landed on my hands and knees. The weird feeling was super strong and my hands clasped around my head, trying to stop the pain.

“So, Halfling, how did you know we were here?” Kane sneered and I froze momentarily.

“H-how did you know?” I asked and Bob smiled. “You arsehole!”

“Now, now,” he said, “no need for that sort of language.”

I hissed and my fangs grew, slick in saliva. They placed little dints in my lip and Kane backed away. Bob laughed and I stood up, standing in front of Mikey. My hand felt like it was on fire and it glowed a dark green. I thrusted my hand in front of me and Hate pulsated from me. Hate swirled and danced around Kane and Bob, engulfing them in waves of dark green. The only noise you could hear was Kane’s screams for help.

“Willow, stop,” Mikey said but I couldn’t.

I had no control over my body and the magic just flowed out of me. My vision turned dark green and I felt my spirit leave my body.

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