Humans all around me.........

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Staring at the humans in the school, my throat began to burn for blood. The last time I had had blood was about three days ago and I can usually go for a month without it. Gerard, Mikey, Frank, Ray and Jeremy were laughing at something while I tried to ignore my blood urges. Casting a quick glance around, I felt the emotions of the students closest to me. One of them, a short brunette with big blue eyes, was feeling depressed. I dug deeper in the emotion and found out her boyfriend had dumped her for another girl. I sighed and stared at the ground. Vampire relationships never lasted more than a decade whereas human ones lasted for years and years. There were always some unfortunate people who could never make a relationship work.

“Willow?” said Jeremy and I looked up, snapping out of the daydream.

“Sorry, what?” I mumbled.

“You okay?” he said and I nodded. “You don’t look it.”

“Why?” I said.

“You were miles away and you look so much paler. When was the last time you had blood?” he whispered and I cringed.

“Three days ago,” I answered. “The day before I bordered the plane.”

“How often do you need blood?” Ray asked and I looked down.

“Usually once a month but something has changed. I’ve wanted it more than anything and I don’t know why,” I replied and a shadow fell onto the ground.

“You the new girl?” said a husky voice and I looked up.

A boy with blonde hair and a lip piercing was looming above me and I glared at him.

“What if I am?” I said and the guy laughed.

“You’ll never make it through the first term, Halfling,” he sneered and I froze.

How the hell did this guy know I was a Halfling? I caught a whiff of his scent and realized that he was a Werewolf. Rolling my eyes, I turned away from him.

“Bob, just leave her alone,” groaned Jeremy and Bob kicked him.

“No, Myles, I won’t leave her alone,” Bob hissed. “She doesn’t deserve to be here.”

I gulped and watched as he retreated back to the jocks. Feeling his emotion, I gathered that he had had his fair share of killing vampires and Halflings to know who was who.

“Crazy Werewolf,” I muttered as the bell rang.

I glanced at my timetable and saw that I had art. I sighed and walked alongside Gerard and he headed to the art room.

“So, how do you know Bob?” I asked and Gerard looked at me.

“Well, we use to be good friends until one time, during a fight against four vampires; Bob had tried to get me away. I was new at being a Werewolf at that time and was a stubborn kid. I didn’t listen to him and nearly got us both killed. If Jeremy, Ray and Frank hadn’t of shown up, then I wouldn’t be here,” Gerard whispered and I gaped at him.

Miss Jason opened the door and the class shuffled through, sitting at different tables. A hand brushed my shoulder and I turned to find someone’s pimply face shoved up close to mine.

“May I help you?” I asked and the kid laughed, showing his yellow teeth and releasing really bad breath over me.

“Seriously? The new kid? Wanting to help me? Kane, the Great Bully of the school,” he giggled and I clenched my jaw, walking over to sit beside Gerard.

Kane was still laughing and Miss Jason wasn’t in the room. I had a bad feeling about this place. The weird feeling rippled through my body again but this time it was a hell of a lot stronger. I bit my lip and squeezed my eyes shut, resting my head on the desk, in hopes of not gasping in pain.

“You okay, Willow?” Gerard whispered and I shook my head.

My eyes snapped open and a red haze crossed my vision. My gaze glanced around the room and fell on Kane, who was laughing ridiculously. My fangs grew and a hand clamped around my elbow.

“Willow, I’m getting you out of here,” Gerard hissed.

We stood up and slowly walked over to the door but stupid Kane was standing there, sniggering at us.

“Where are you going, New Girl?” he smiled and I wanted to lash out and kill him but Gerard was gripping my elbow to hold me back.

“I need some air,” I hissed and shoved past Kane.

Gerards’ hand vanished from my elbow and I whipped around to find Kane glaring at him.

“She doesn’t need you to take her,” he smiled and I bared my fangs at him.

One of the veins in his neck was calling for me and I knew I had to resist but the lust was starting to overpower me. Gerard somehow knew what I was fighting against, so he shoved Kane away and dragged me from the room. He pulled me behind the toilet block and his hand loosened.

“What blood type do you prefer?” Gerard hissed and I stared at him.

“Doesn’t matter,” I answered and Gerard produced a bottle full of blood.

“This is all that I could get from the blood bank,” he hissed and I nodded, putting the bottle to my lips and drinking.

The blood swirled in my stomach, lowering the lust and I sighed. The bottle was now half full and a little bit of blood was on the corner of my mouth. Gerard caressed his thumb over the blood and I shivered. Nobody has ever touched me like that. His touch was so gentle and soft, it was like he barely touched me. Footsteps approached us and I looked down.

“I thought I felt that you weren’t in art,” laughed Mikeys’ voice and I turned around to see him looking down at us, arms crossed over his chest and a playful glint in his eyes.

“Wait, you two share a connection?” I asked and they nodded.

That sort of connection was very rare between Werewolf brothers. It had only happened twice before and both times had ended really badly for both brothers because once one of the brothers had risked his life to save his twin. Not long after, the other brother had died, leaving behind a series of unanswered questions. The truth was no one had thought that this connection could be made unless they somehow forced it.

“That’s how we find out a lot and why I am smarter than your average fourteen-year old,” Mikey smiled and I frowned.

“How many other Werewolves have that connection now?” I asked and they shrugged.

“No one else knows about this,” Gerard said and I nodded.

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