Chapter 8

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After visiting both our parents we came back home. The house was warm from the sunlight that had beamed through the windows through-out the day.

" Really don't want to go to band practise." Harry moaned too me.

" What a shame." 

" Have you got the face on with me?" Harry suggested, his body moved closer and closer too mine with the words he spoke.

" Why would i?" " Because i have band practise?" " Oh no not at all." I lied.

He smiled and dissappeared up the stairs.

I walked into the kitchen and watched through the kitchen window as the birds flew pass and some even pecked at the dry soil searching for some food, a worm,slug,anything.

You could say a was a nature geek, but you'd be telling a lie. I love nature, but i wouldn't sit watching birds for hours on end. A few minutes is enough, even though i was enjoying observing them i was cut sharply out of the bubble i had drawn myself into by a sharp bang at the door. The knuckles of a grown man i would presume. 

I walked too the door, my feet padding the hall way in the mean time. Harry's body collected it's image at the top of the stairs, looking sharply down at me as i opened the door.

" Hi, i'm Tony. I'm One Direction's management. I tried calling by earlier, but no-one was in. Is this an alright time?" He greeted me.

" Hey i'm Kyra. Yeah sure, come in." I invited him in.

" Oh you alright Harry?" Tony waved to Harry at the top of the stairs. 

" Yeah i'm fine, you?" 

" Great thanks, bet you're both wondering why i'm here?" He laughed, putting his phone on the table in the living room.

I gave him a slow smile letting him know that i was actually curios to find out about his presence.

" Well, we all know at 1DHQ you're fake dating, but the public don't. Therefore, lets make them ponder. Harry you'll have too take the beautiful Kyra out, tomorrow, the day after and then at the weekend. We will supply you with places to go, things to do if you cannot think of anything." He rushed.

I was so lost in his words that i just started to blank the words out and try and concentrate on his lips and what letters they were making, i couldn't do that either. 

" Would you like a cuppa?" I offered Tony.

" No chick, i'm off now. Only stopping by. So yeah, hope to see you in Heat magazine tomorrow! Have fun. Oh post a picture of you both on Twitter or Instagram or whatever social networks you both use." He said collecting his phone off the oak table and walking towards the front door and letting his body exit my home.

" Come on, lets go on the back garden and take a photo." Harry smiled. 

I followed his body like a sheep out of my back door into the garden. We scared away the birds that had been digging for food. But they didn't go far, only too the trees surrounding my home.

We sat on the chairs on my garden, leaning back into the sunlight that praised our bodies.

" So, what you been upto then?" Harry started the conversation.

" Nothing much, been working, dating, partying. You?"

" Oh you know, singing, dancing, boxing." He played along. I laughed pointlessly at our conversation. 

" How've you been coping?" Harry spoke lowly, i leant forward proposing what Harry ment from his words.

" I know" Is all Harry let his lips spill.

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