Chapter 6

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I dropped my keys on the side, sliding my shoes of my feet. Today was a busy day you could say. 

I placed the roses in a vase on my mantel piece. Who did i get them off? I haven't got a secret admirer have i?  First I opened the card that was attached to the bag. It read

" To, Kyra. I'll be picking you up around 6PM. Make sure you're ready. Wear something nice maybe? With this underneath. Hope you like the gifts. See you later... Harry x x x "

It was a fake relationship, he was taking this way to seriously. Sending me roses and presents and love letters. The relationship was for publicity, not for real. Maybe he felt different, what happens if he just wants the challenge of me? Well he's going to get the challenge of me then. 

I peeled back the bags opening, revealing tissue covering some fabric. I pulled the tissue off the present and held it up. Lingerie. I measured against my body. He knew my body size perfectly, has he been snooping?

I went to put the lingerie back when i was thrown upon a box. The box was a medium plain blue box secured with a darker blue ribbon.  I unraveled the ribbon and pulled the box lid back to reveal a necklace. It was in the shape of a paper areoplane.

Hope you like it." Was writen on the lid inside. 

I smiled and put it back in the bag with the following present.

I glanced over at the clock, 4:58pm. One hour to get ready? Mission impossible. I ran up the stairs, turning the shower on whilst ridding the clothes on my body. I washed my hair and body. Getting out of the shower soon after. Damn, i forgot to shave my legs. I sat on the bath side and grabbed the razor, squirting cream all over my legs and shaving them.

I looked through my large mirror in my bathroom planning what my outfit and style might look like tonight.  I dried my hair and styled it into a bun, with my bangs hanging out and my fringe pulled back loosely secured by bobby pins.

I opened my bedroom door, walking in and travelling over to my modern wardrobe. I pulled back the door and check my outfits, i picked a dress and started measuring it against my body. When i decided it looked fine I ventured downstairs to the giftbag collecting the gift of underwear Harry had chosen. As i was just about the climb the stairs. The door knocked. I looked at my body, i was dressed in a robe and that was basically it. My hair was done and that was all.

The door knocked again, the person at the other side sounded sloppy. I peered through the peep hole to see Harry. His eyes blood shot and body slumped. I opened the door and he stumbled in.

" Harry?" I asked, lifting up his head.

" I love you y'know." Harry moved forward, with one movement i became intoxicated by his breath. He'd been drinking alcohol. " Are you drunk?" I quizzed.

" Not at all, what do you think i am?some monster?" 

" Yeah, you're a drunk monster. Come and sit down." I guided him over to the seating, pushing him down to sit.

" How comes you've been drinking?" 

" You know, you're never to sure what people are saying behind your back are you? One minute they think you're amazing and the next, ha."

" Harry, enlighten me? I'm confused." 

" I went out with this girl. Model. Apparently she wasn't single, she had a boyfriend in the navy. Now i'm the bad guy? I just want someone who i don't have to commit too, but i can enjoy myself with. Act like a best friends buy eachother things and stuff. Ocassionally have sex, but no feelings attached." He confessed his life to me in a simple way. 

" We all wish for that Harry." I laughed, going into the kitchen pouring him some water and collecting two paracetomols and handing them to him.

" You wish you had a fuck buddy then?" Harry asked.

" Well i've not had sex before, but apparently it's pretty good." I winked.

He laughed holding the glass of water tightly in his hand.

" It's amazing." He laughed off.

" So you've lost it?" I questioned Harry.

" Yup, i'm shocked you haven't."

" What's that suppose to mean?"

" What? A pretty girl like you with a body to die for. Still a virgin?"

" Lets just say i'm waiting for the time, but i don't want to commit to them. As much as i want my first time to be special. I don't wanna just be stuck with the same guy forever. Unless obviously he's the one." 

" Why don't you loose it too me?" He curiously asked.

I laughed ridiculosly loud. " You're joking right?"

" No, we've known eachother so long. I want a relationship with no strings attached and so do you, by the sounds of it."

" I don't know, we're suppose to be in a fake relationship Harry." 

" Perfect reason then. Fake couple sex." He smirked.

" You're drunk."

" Tomorrow, you're having the day off. We're going to relax all day, then at night, i'm going too cook you a meal, then we'll try?" He propsed.

" This is going way too fast Harry."

" Don't worry, trust me, i'll make it special for you."

He lent over and gave me a kiss on my neck.

" Yeah, well for the meantime you can sleep here. You're drunk." I winked.

" I'd rather share the bed with you." 

" Hmm, would you now?" I winked taking the first step on the stair case.

" Yes. I would." He chased me up the stairs, the carpet burning beneath my feet as i ran up the stairs with speed. I landed on the bed and Harry planted one kiss on my lips. Before i flipped him off me.

" You're in a robe?." Harry questioned.

" You were suppose to be taking me out, for something to eat. I was putting the present you gave me on." 

Harry remember his speech.

" Oh my god, i ruined it! I came here drunk!" Harry pushed his hands into his face, pushing his body backwards onto my double bed.

" Don't worry, by the sounds of it, it'll come in use again." I smiled.

He peered out of his hands that covered his face. " Very soon." He winked.

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