Chapter 10

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- Dedicated this chapter too Our_fanfics1D for their help in getting my story up too nearly 500 views, thank-you! - 

His words demolished my feelings. His worthless banter caused so much heart ache.

For the first time in months i felt unsafe again in my own home, asif someone was going to come in. That someone being my ex. 

- Harry -

" I see you got away from the fake." Hannah spoke breathlessly underneath the cotton sheet that laid on our bodies. 

" She's not a fake." I defended Kyra with all my dignity. I knew my words hurt her, and i was torn into bits. My thoughtless words had just brought her world crashing down.

" Then are you two dating? Because i'm sure this is cheating." She sat up, clutching the sheet to her body, looking over too me.

" It has nothing to do with you, rememeber, we are over." 

" If we were over Harry, why are you coming back for more?"

She was right, why was i coming back for more? I could be getting to know the girl i wanted to go out with so bad since Secondary School, the girl i walked home in the rain, the girl who i'd grown up with, the girl that didn't know any of my feelings towards her. That girl was Kyra.

" I have to go" I crawled out of the bed i had just performed guilty actions in.

Hannah didn't speak one word. But she knew the reason. I pulled on the clothes that i had shedded around the room and collected my keys and phone from the bedside table.

" Goodbye Hannah." I spoke whilst walking through the bedroom door, jogging down the staircase and through the front door.

I turned the ignition on and started to drive. My destination: Kyra's.

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