Chapter 15

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" I'm going out" I spoke the next morning, these were the only words we'd exchanged from last night. 

" Where?" Harry stood in the hallway whilst i got my shoes on.

" Out, you might want to go and grovel to Hannah, tell her you're gonna be there for the baby and that." I pulled my shoes up securley on my foot.

" Stop being an idiot for God's sake! IT WAS A MISTAKE!" Harry's figure leant over mine, his hands grabbed my arms, the grip becoming tighter and tighter until it was unbearable. 

" Harr- Harr you're hurting me." I squirmed whilst in his grip.

" WHY DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND ME?!" Tears pierced my eyes as the grip wasn't loosening. 

Harry saw this and came back to earth. He let go of my wrists and i dropped down to the ground. 

" Kyra, i'm sorry." He began to apologise. I wouldn't listen, I grabbed my bag and car keys and went through the door.

" Kyra! Please!" Harry begged me. I slammed my car door shut and started the ignition. Harry slammed the front door shut as i reversed off the drive, heading too anywhere i possibly could.

- Harry -

I'd hurt her, i'd physically hurt her. After last night, i'd ruined everything. I'd lost the girl who i adored and i might be a father. 

All of this was going far too quick for me to even think. 

My phone buzzed: The pregnancy test came back negative, you're free man Harry, congratulations idiot. Hannah.

I froze, everything blurred for a second, i re-read the text. I wasn't going to become a dad. I dropped the phone and broke down crying, the sharp tears of happiness emerged. I'd never been so happy in my life. The world was lifted off my shoulders, never was i going to be so careless again. 

I wanted to share the news with someone, that someone being Kyra. But she had gone, because i'd pushed her away. 

If i was Kyra, where would i go? 

- Kyra -

I arrived at Gemma's, Harry's sister. I hadn't seen her in ages, and i thought i'd drop by too calm down if anything.

I knocked on the oak door and Gemma answered. " KYRA!" She embraced me into a long hug. " I haven't seen you in ages." I walked into her hallway, decorated beautifully. It all was based around family. Pictures of her childhood, pictures of her and her mum, Anne. Picture of her and her dad, her and her friends, and her and Harry.

" What brings you here?" Gemma spoke with a gentle smile.

" I need some help?" 

" Sure what's up?" 

" Harry." " Why?" " You've heard about us fake dating right?" " Nope, lets put the kettle on." Gemma flicked the switch on the kettle and invited me too sit at the dinning table. 

She made me a cup of tea whilst i informed her about everything.

" You know, Harry has always liked you. I remember him telling me about how he loved walking you home, to make sure you were safe." Gemma reminisced.

" You probably don't want to know this, but whilst we were having sex for the first time last night, he hurt me. Like cut me." I informed her.

" What do you mean?" 

I showed her the imprints i found this morning whilst in the shower, deep bruises and a slight cut. Gemma gasped. " Has he done anything else to hurt you?" She asked.

Tears pricked my eyes. " I don't want to be a snitch." 

" Tell me Ky, has he done anything else to hurt you." 

Gemma must have known my past too, my mum must have told her. She needs to learn to keep her mouth closed. 

" This morning we were arguing over Hannah, his ex, she's pregnant. He grabbed my wrists. It didn't hurt that much." I shrugged off. " Show me." Gemma pestered.

I looked down, Gemma reached over the table and searched for the marks. The vibrant red marks were already making a bruise upon my skin. 

" He did this." Gemma asked. I looked down and the front door went. Gemma shot up.

" I'll be right back." 

I wiped away the tears. Shouting could be heard. 

A manly voice shouting at Gemma. I stood up going to defend her but i was shot back down in flames when i realised who the voice belonged too. How did he know i would be here?

" Kyra, please. Let me to talk too you." Harry pleaded.

" You're an idiot Harry, you've HURT her. You know her past. WHY Harry, WHY?!! " Gemma's shouts became louder, pushing Harry in the chest.

" Let him speak." My voice croaked.

" Are you sure?" Gemma double checked.

I smiled at her letting her know it was okay. Even though i felt so uncomfortable. 

" Go into the living room, i'll be in the kitchen if you need me." She rubbed my back generously, letting me know she was there for me.

Harry stepped into the room.

Here we go..

i'm going on holiday now, i'll try updating whilst i'm there.

Don't forget to vote,share and let me know what you think.

Hope you liked this chapter.

Eleanor x

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