Chapter 12

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I woke up too the noise of the front door shutting close. I shot up glancing at the time. 10:03am. I laid back down thinking about what happened yesterday. All of the emotions that drained through my system in the past 24 hours must have meant something to me. 

My mind travelled back to the door closing a few thought trails before. I pushed back the loose strands of hair and put them back in my bobble. I started to walk across the landing towards the room Harry had slept in for the night. The covers were messy, but there was nobody in sight. I checked the bathroom too, ghostville.

I then walked downstairs into my kitchen to see a cup laid out with a tea bag in it and a note by the side. 

" Just gone too the Gym won't be long. Harry "

I re-boiled the kettle, which didn't take long. I picked up the mug now full to the brim with a steaming hot liquid in the form of tea. I then walked into the living room and switched on the morning TV to catch the end of Jeremy Kyle, slurping my tea; trying not too burn my lips.

40 minutes later, the door went again. This time the person who had entered was speaking. I knew it was Harry's voice, but i wanted to know who was on the other line. " Who's that?" I mimed so that i didn't interupt his phone call as much.

He ignored me, turning his back and carrying on his phone call. I decided to take this as a que to leave him too it and went back into the kitchen to pour myself another cup of tea. A good way to start the mornings off. 

Harry soon joined me in the kitchen. He leant against the worktop that joined around my kitchen. 

" What do you want to do today? We have too make an appearance, publicly." Harry spoke turning his phone around in his hand. 

" What do you propose we do?" I asked, sipping on my tea. 

" Go into town for something to eat, maybe a little shop?" 

" Yeah, i'll get some new clothes for this party on Friday." I imagined myself getting something floraly but then i thought around it. 

" What party?" " A house party on Friday, round Amelia's, you're invited if you want too come." " Friday?um." " If you're too busy, don't force yourself to move around it."

" Nope, i'm free all this weekend. So yes, i'll come." 

I smiled at this new Harry, i knew he was thinking of hooking up with Hannah, but he put me first. 

" Now where is my cup of tea?" Harry asked, eyeing up my mug.

" You know where the tea bags are and the cups." I walked around the table and back into the living room.

I soon got ready into some shorts, converse and a shirt top. I tied my hair back into a messy bun and put a light amount of make-up on. 

" You ready to go?" Harry asked, propping his body up against the wall in my room.

I nodded, grabbing my bag and leaving the house. " Do you want to drive or shall i?" I asked.

" Lets try your little mean machine out shall we?"

I laughed at his impression that he was giving towards my car, as if it was the Bat-Mobile or something.

We got into my car and we started driving too town. This is when the inner b*tch of me began showing. 

" I hate town, why did you make me come?" I angrily spoke to Harry, only because i couldn't find a car parking space anywhere.

" I didn't, you agreed." He fought back. " You know if this poxy Ford whatever it is, doesn't move in a minute i'm gonna peep my horn until they do. What are they waiting for? A written invitation?" I started hitting the steering wheel.

" THERE IS ONE, THERE!" Harry shouted, making me rush into the car parking space. We paid the price at the parking meter and started on our mission. Publicity for our 'relationship'.

" Hold my hand" Harry bugged me.  I grabbed hold of his hand, his fingers slipping into my finger gaps perfectly. As soon as we walked into the center of town, girls were coming up too Harry for a photo with him. I happily stood aside and took photos of them. I knew that they wanted to savour the moment with their idol. In their case, Harry.

" Are you his girlfriend?" One girl piped up the courage to ask me.

I looked at Harry for guidance, which he replied on. " Yes." With a big grin on his face. I blushed and looked down. 

" You're really pretty, what's your name?" They asked.

" Kyra." I smiled. " Wow, never heard that name before, i really like it!" She smiled back generously. 

I walked towards Harry, he pulled me in by my waist, his mouth coming closer to my ear. " Kiss?" I looked at his confused. " For the girls." He smiled. 

I turned my head up to his and gave him a kiss on his lips, the kiss only lasted for a few moments, but it still made the fans go wild. They were going crazy, aw'ing. Pictures been taken of us. 

Harry's arm slung around my waist whilst we kissed. I'd be lying if i said i didn't enjoy pretending to be Harry's girlfriend. It felt so real, but in reality it wasn't.

We went in a few shops, but i mainly stayed in Topshop whilst Harry looked in Topman. He decided to judge my new dress I was trying on in the dressing rooms. " Harry can you help me please? I can't reach the zip." I shouted over the dressing room curtain.

The curtain was pulled open and Harry came in zipping it up at the back. I looked in the mirror, the black skater dress was impressive. I really liked it, i pulled a few poses in the mirror admiring the dress.

" What do you think?"

- " Wow, i think it's amazing. Looks great on you." Harry admired the dress, or my body.

" Thanks, can you undo the zipper please?" I asked. He nodded and began to undo the zipper. 

His hands trailing my back, slowly but surely. I closed my eyes, the feeling was undescribable. 

I pushed the dress down and got back into my normal clothes, i picked the dress up and went and paid for it.

" Lets go for some dinner." Harry pulled my waist in closer to his whilst i collected my bag from the cashier. 

" Sure " I answered back.

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