Chapter 27

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" I want you to come to the concert." Harry mumbled with a mouth full of food.

" What?" I asked taking a sip of the drink.

Harry had cooked a romantic meal for us, spaghetti "H" with spicey wedge. He'd named the dish after himself, because apparently he was a "blooming" chef. 

" Come to the concert, we have one coming up in Manchester soon, you should come." He smiled.

" But i'd probably get bottles of wee thrown at me by your dedicated fans." I mocked.

" They wouldn't do that." 

" I'd be all on my own, i'd be bored." I winded him up.

" You're a real torment." Harry kicked my leg softly. " But Gemma's going, so is Eleanor i think." 

" Eleanor?" " Louis' girlfriend."

" Oh god, what happens if she hates me?" 

" Then she hates you, i'm sorry." Harry looks down at his food, then lifts his head up smirking.

I playfully slap him from across the table.  " You gonna come then?" He asked. 

" I'll think about it." I winked.

I got up finished my food and went to rinse the dishes when Harry crept up behind me, kissing my neck. Suddenly cleaning the dishes wasn't so important. I spun round and started kissing Harry, he pushed me up against the unit. Taking the tight black tank top of my figure. 

" You're so beautiful." He moaned whilst kissing my collar bones. 

I threw my head back in pure pleasure. " I love you " I moaned back. " I love you more." 

He picked me up and took me into the living room, my legs wrapped around his waist. My hands were running through the madness of curls collected on his head. I started pulling on them gently. 

Harry laid me down on the floor, not breaking the kiss we were sharing. He undressed his torso, before peeling my top off mine. " Wow." Harry smirked. He carried on kissing my chest, I was pulling his body closer to mine as we kissed. Harry pulled his jeans off and scattered them across the room. He then pulled my tight skinny jeans down my legs and pushed them too the side. He carried on kissing me.

Knock, Knock.

" Just ignore it." Harry whispered. I obeyed his command and carried on with the mood setting. 

Knock Knock

Whoever was at the door knew we were in. Knock Knock.

Harry rolled off me and laid on his back. " Well that was a mood killer." He laughed lightly. I grabbed Harry's 'Pink Floyd." T-Shirt which was a size to big for me, so it covered my thighs. 

I answered the door to my dad. 

" Hey Ky, can i come in?" He asked.

" Um, i'm busy at the minute." Knowing Harry would still be half naked laying on the floor around my clothes. 

" Please, it won't take a minute."

" Come in then." 

My dad wandered in and began to make his way to the living room.

" WAIT!! No i mean, go into the kitchen, we're cleaning the living room." I smiled.

My dad looked at me curiously and began walking into the kitchen.

" Okay, so your mothers sent me round because she wants you too know that, you know who." He meant my ex.

" Is trying to make contact with you, you don't have to, we're not forcing you. So don't think we're, because we're not. He's been outside our house for 2 days now, refusing to leave until he sees you. What shall we tell him?" My dad asked. 

" Tell him, i've left. I'm living in Leeds now, or Plymouth. Anywhere, just get him away from here. I don't wanna see him again." I spoke.

" No worries, Don't worry hunny. I'll sort it out for you. He won't find you. I promise." He kissed the top of my head.

" Can we lend a DVD?" My dad continued. I laughed at how he changed subject.

" Yeah, i'll go and get you a few." 

" Smashing, thanks hun." My dad began to evaluate the kitchen, the plates and pans around that hadn't been cleaned due to mine and Harry's antics.

I opened the living room door and began walking through to see no-one there. I walked in and whispered Harry. Suddenly two hands groped my waist and began nuzzling my neck. 

" You scared me!" I hit Harry's chest.

" You're taking forever." Harry pretended to sob.

I kissed him, he was turning it into a passionate kiss quickly.

" Stop, my dads in there." I nudged him, collecting a few DVD's randomly.

Harry began feeling my thighs, rubbing circles into them. 

" Harry." I moaned.

" Have you got some DVD's" My dad shouted, his voice was coming closer and closer until the door opened. Harry stood in his boxer, behind me;feeling my legs. Whilst my head was thrown back onto his shoulder enjoying his touch. Awkward wasn't even the word.

" DAD!" I shouted, making him cover his eyes.

" I thought you were shouting me, obviously not, pass me the DVD's and i'll be on my way!" Quickly the words scurried out of his mouth.

I passed him the DVD's and he shouted " Bye love you!" and left, shutting the door. I followed soon after him, locking the doors.

" Now where were we?" Harry winked dawning closer to my body. I cheekily smiled at him. 

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