Upon us , a child is Born

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Malaysia POV

"What?" I answered with a attitude. It was 4 in the morning and I did not want to be bothered. Nothing was important enough to wake me up at 4 in the morning.

"Get down here! Kacy's having the baby and X wants you to be here "

I looked at the phone as if Normani could see me through it. Did she lose her mind? Calling me about Kacy and her devil child?

I rolled my eyes and layed back in the bed, making myself comfortable before I told this lie.

"Awe, sorry NeNe but my dad's not going to let me out. It's 4 am ! And if I try to sneak out the alarms are going to go off" I said with fake sympathy in my voice.

"Oh I understand . Well come tomorrow ,ok?"

I mentally cursed but said "Okay, goodnight. "

"Night" was the last word before she hung up.

I put my phone on airplane mode and threw it to the other side of the bed.

Normani POV

"Her dad's home so she can't come out this late..." I told X.

"And that's VERY understandable ." My mother chimed in.

"She's ready to push" the doctor told X.


"Ow!" She screamed as she pushed out Xavier's baby.


She began pushing again.

"I need one big one this time. Ready? 1...2...3..."

Kacy pushed hard and long before she heard a cry.

"It's a girl" The doctor told us.

"Let's name her Payton..." Kacy smiled at her not quiet baby.

"Payton Killani Kingston " she told the doctor as he wrote it on the birth certificate before handing it to Xavier and Kacy to sign.

"We'll go clean her up " he told us.

"Awe! I'm gonna be an aunt!" I burst out in smiles.

X smiled and out his arm over my shoulder.

Malaysia POV

3:06 p.m.

I woke up later than I expected. Not that I was complaining, because I was in NO rush to go see Kacy and that baby. I did wonder what they named it though. Xavier never even asked what I thought would be a good name, but then again I guess my input wasn't wanted since I didn't like Kacy and I wasn't to fond of the baby.

After brushing my teeth and throwing my hair in a messy ponytail I just stood there in the mirror. I smiled. Then my face dropped. I thought it was funny that I could find so many things that was wrong but only a few things that was right. But then again, we all have flaws right? No. Not all of us. I usually find myself adoring those I see with the perfect eyebrows and curvy barbie lips ; you know? The girls that all the boys want to be with and all the girls want to be. Sometimes I wonder if they have insecurities too. But how could they when they're perfect?

I shook my head pushing my insecurities aside and walking to my closet. I wasn't trying to be fancy. I settled for a Nike Hoodie , all black sweats, and my Givenchy Slides.

I grabbed my keys and my phone as I walked out the house.

My hands moistened as I pulled up to the hospital. I pulled my keys out the ignition and sat there trying to control my thoughts. Honestly I didn't know what to expect or what to think.

My boyfriend was having his first baby by his ex girlfriend.

Sounds...unfortunate? I mean... aren't I supposed to be heart broken? Crying and screaming saying I should be the first with his child?

I put my Beats ear buds in and played Crooked Smile by J.Cole as I walked in the hospital.

I looked down at the text I received earlier telling me what room Kacy was in.

"Hey." Xavier Smiled as he looked down at his baby girl. "Come here"

I looked over at a sleeping Kacy , then over to X again before proceeding to walk in.

I walked over and looked at the baby who laid in the basket on side Kacy's bed. She was beautiful. Not just baby beautiful either, she was going to grow up and be a beautiful girl. It almost made me upset that she was so beautiful.

"you want to hold her?"

I shook my head no as I continued to examine her face. She looked like both of them. Mostly Kacy. Kacy wasn't an ugly girl, I just couldn't stand the bitch. She had a full head of hair. Big Brown eyes, Xavier's dimples, and Xavier's skin tone.

"She's gorgeous" I complimented him.

He smirked "Well I like to think I did all the work , so thank you"

I laughed before rolling my eyes.

"What's her name?"

"Payton....Payton Killani Kingston "

I simply nodded. I wasn't expecting her to have his last name. But whatever.

"I have to go.." I said as I felt the tears begin to swell up


"No X! She will always be your first. first baby mama. She gave you your first child. Your first daughter. She will always have the upper hand" I cried into his chest.

Some call me selfish. But in my mind, I'm protecting myself. And I always will.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2015 ⏰

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