Starting Over

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Malaysia POV

Maybe she didn't get the memo. Malaysia don't play about her food. It was the end of the day and the final bell just rung. I was so happy to get out that class. Ryah kept trynna get me to take the picture down but it wasn't happening. If Vanni wanted the picture down then she would have to ask herself. I walked outside with Ryah behind me. I honestly don't know what she was mad about. I zoned out when she said the person's name. I walked out to my Ferrari and noticed Vanni by it. Ugh. I didn't wanna see her. I just wanna hit the mall. Me and Ryah going shopping so Im bout to have fun.

"What do you need Gia?" I had pure attitude in my voice.

"Please take the picture down! I'm sorry. I won't mess with you anymore" she sounded sincere.

I pulled my phone out my bag and opened my instagram app. I deleted the picture and sighed.

"Happy?" I showed her the screen. She was too happy. Hugging me and stuff.

"Wanna come to the mall with me and Ry?" I guess We could be friends again.

"Ooh did I hear mall? count me in!" Normani walked up out of nowhere.

"Yea I'll come" Gia agreed to coming with us.

Everybody got in there rides and sped off. Normani kept trynna race me in the road. I beat her by passing a car that she couldn't get by. She called it cheating and I called it using my advantages.

In the mall I was buying straight shoes! Ryah was too, we even got Some matching shoes. We finna flex for the gram!

"We all should wear heels tomorrow" Vanni suggested. Me and Ryah gave each other looks.

"Cool" was all Ryah said.

When we were coming out of body central I got a call from my daddy.


"Hey daddy!" I tried to sound excited.

"Hey princess. Where are you?" he must be bored. He never cares where I am or what I do.

"The mall with some friends. Why wassup?" I was getting bored with this conversation.

"Nothing just wondering. Have fun baby" he hung up. Something wasn't right. I know it wasn't.

"Yall I'm finna go home" I announced.

"Yeah me too" Ryah said.

"Well we might as well all leave. The mall about to close anyway" stated Normani.

I got in my Ferrari and drove off. I threw all the bags in the front seat. I sped to my neighborhood then slowed down. I saw a red car in the yard. This was strange because all my family members cars are either black or white. They say colorful cars are unprofessional. I got my bags out the car and opened the house door slowly and quietly. I walked in my house and saw the worst thing in my life. My father......kissing another woman.

I cleared my throat which made them jump. My daddy looked frightened.

"Umm hey princess... I have somebody I want you to meet. This is Jennifer."

I looked at the woman. She wasn't all that and a bag of chips but she wasn't completely hideous. My mother looked wayy better.

"Who is she?" I was very blunt and straight forward.

" girl me and Jennifer are engaged... we're gonna be a family!" he smiled at the last part.

I felt my face grow hot. I was boiling inside.

"How dare you? Family? We are not a family! She is not my mother and never will be! I won't treat her like it either! You just wanna replace mama but I'm not having it!" tears streamed down my face and i took my bags and ran to the room. I really needed a friend. I called Ryah. I was so happy she answered on the first ring.


"Hello? Ryah are you home? Please can I come over I-I really need a friend, a-a-and I d-don't wanna be-e here anym-more. " I was crying and stuttering trynna get my words out. Im surprised she understood.

"Uhh yeah sure. I live on 427 Watermelon Lane, fourth house to your right." She sounded concerned. I'm glad we're friends. I take it back when I said GiGi was my favorite. My favorite was totally Ryah.

"Th-thank you. I'm On my way..." I hung up and wiped my tears and reapplied my make up. Grabbed my phone,purse, and keys and walked down the stairs. I was almost to the door when my daddy said "where are you going so late?" I never answered his question. I kept walking. Im going to mind my business and he need to do the same!

I rode to Ryah's house. She was living good! Her house had to atleast been 4 or 5 stories high. And she had 3 extra cars in the yard. A Bentley, a Jag, and a Range Rover. I parked my car next to her Benz and walked up to the door. I rung the door bell. She answered.

"Hey!" She smiled widely.

"Hey..." i was still mad.

We walked up some stairs and finally got to her room. It was amazing. She had a California King bed, a walk in closet, her bathroom was huge, and she had a in the wall tv! She was definitely balling harder than I thought! one of her walls had graffiti on it that said "ryah" and all types of designs. It was definitely something to see. She need to be on the MTV show Cribs.

"Girl yall need to be on cribs" I said seriously.

"We were." She laughed at my expression.

"What does yo daddy do for a living and do you want a sister?" i was playing but i was serious too.

"He's a producer. Barely ever here. And sure! when you wanna move in?" she was serious.

"Oh you serious huh?" i asked making her laugh.

"Yeaa. But what happened with you?"

I explained the story to her ended up crying again. She was very understanding. She gave me some advice but also was very blunt and said she wouldn't accept the lady either.

We laughed and talked and watched movies. Then I noticed the time.

"I gotta go. Thank you Ryah. You want me to help you clean up?" I offered.

"No. Go home before your new mommy whoops you" she was joking but I gave her the finger.

"We should do this again" she said. I nodded.

"Bye" i said.

I drove home and just like Ryah daddy and Jennifer was there waiting on me. They both ran to me and tried to hug me but I pushed them off.

"WHERE WERE YOU?" my fathers voice boomed.

"Minding my business. You do the same." I walked off.

"Excuse me?" he said. I kept walking. Forget him AND his new wife. And I did not give him my blessing and I'm NOT being in the wedding.


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