Falling Apart

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Ryah POV

I was.... Confused. Why was he all up on her? they know each other?

After taking in too much air I decided to let my presence be known.

"Ahem..." I cleared my throat. They never moved from their positions.

Dontae looked faded but Drieka looked back and smirked. Which answered my next question. She knew exactly who I was.

I walked off turning blood red. On the verge of tears and madder than a bull when it see red. Steam was probably coming out my ears right now.

I seen Calvin leaning on a lime green Camero , on his phone.

I made sure to put on my 'nothing is wrong with me' face and then walk over.

"Hey Calvin..."

He looked up and smirked before looking back at his phone.

"Back so soon huh?" He chuckled lightly.

"Is it too much of me to ask a favor?" I smiled widely and batted my eye lashes.

"Wassup ma?" he slid his phone in his pocket and gave me his full attention.

"Can I have a ride home?" My heart skipped at least 4 beats waiting for a reply.

He simply nodded and opened the door for me. When we got in and crunk up I gave him the directions to my house.

"I thought you had a boyfriend. Why he aint take you home?"

He had to ask the question I was avoiding answering.

"He was too busy hugged up with a random broad to notice me..." I hung my head low at the last part. I was trying hard to fight the tears.

"Dont do that"

"Do what?" i asked

"Put your head down. Keep it up. Never let a nigga see your effected by his actions. You gorgeous ma. Know that"

I smiled at his words and nodded.

"So why don't you have a girlfriend?" I asked. I was curious. He was cute,cocky,smart, and sweet. Why he single?

"Its plenty of girls lined up to play that position but I want somebody different. Somebody whos not.."

"A groupie " i finished his sentence.

"Exactly" he chuckled.

He pulled up to my house and complimented me on it. I thanked him for the ride and he walked me to my door.

"Thanks again Calvin"

"Any time".

Malaysia POV

I was on the phone with Ryah listening to how Dontae did her when my phone got a text message.

Him💏🔐🌍: call me. Now. I wanna be the first to tell you.

"Yeah Ry... Um ima have to call you back. Text me though. I still wanna know. "

"Ok. Bye Lay"

I called Xavier with the quickness.

"Hello? wassup?" i asked

"Kacy might be pregnant and If she is then I'm the baby daddy. She say she going to the doctor tomorrow to make sure"

I just was... Speechless. Wow. I ran away for about a week and all this stuff happens.

"Oh" was all i could manage to say.

"Are you mad?"

I didn't even know how to answer that question.

"Ryah's having a hard time. I'll call you later"

I hung the phone up after that. I felt dumb. How could this happen? I need to go back.

Just when I thought things couldn't get worse I saw a 'missing' report about me today on instagram. People are saying #comehomeLay and #comebackLay

My life is falling apart.

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