Chapter 3

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Chapter 3



I began to walk slowly back to my house, trying to stretch out time for my shirt to dry. The shirt that was wet because of Sam. Nice kid. Not.

He was already annoying me and I had just met the kid.

I mentally smacked myself for thinking about him. There was no need to.

Although that occurrence wasn’t very rare, I had already thought about him a few time in the past fifteen minutes.

It just wasn’t right. I had literally no idea about who is was, I didn’t know much about him and to make matters worse, he had sprayed me with ice cold water. I don’t understand why I was thinking about him. I just don’t…

My house came into view and I began to slow down my pace even more. I didn’t want to go.

I brushed my hair, that had dried in my natural curls, away from my face and sighed.

I’d probably have to unpack , clean a little bit blah, blah, blah. It’s just not what I wanted to do. I hated unpacking. I hated helping my mom clean. I hated the fact that we had moved. And I hated my father for making us.

Yes, he was the actual reason we moved.

Apparently, my stupid father got into some weird top secret trouble that really “bit him back” so to speak and now we’re here. I still wonder what that big secret thing was, but of course nobody has ever told me, but I was still determined to find out.

Soon my walk had slowed to a stop and I found myself staring at the descending sunset in the west.

After moments of pointless staring, my mother had begun to yell for me.

that’s what I get for standing in view of the house.

I sighed and looked over to the porch where my mother sat on a wicker chair, smoking a cigarette, her new ugly habit to add to the list.

I started slowly walking toward the house while glaring at my mom. I could see her shift her weight with uneasiness.

She knew I didn’t want to be here, she just knew it.

“yes.” I said flatly as I reached the porch.

She put out her cigarette and looked up to me.

“first of all, why are you wet?” my mother asked sternly.

Like she scared me..

I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

“No reason” I said casually

“you make me worry..” my mother mumbles.

“what was your question?” I snapped. She aggravated me so much.

She looked surprised as she began to fumble over her words. “ I- I-I..”

I crossed my arms and stared at her, waiting.

“never mind.” she said quickly. “did you pick out a room for yourself yet?”

I nodded and turned away from her.

“well, would you mind telling me which one?” she asked sharply, crossing her legs and folding her hands on her lap.

“not as long as your married to that ass named Paul.” I said walking toward the door.

And it was true, I don’t understand how she could be married to a man who doesn’t respect me or her in any way, shape or form.

“Elizabeth Megan McKinley!” my mother said sharply, shooting out of her seat. “you do not talk about your father like that!” she narrowed her eyes at me

I began to mutter profanities under my breath and walked inside.

I heard my mother sigh and light another cigarette. I slammed the door ad kicked an empty box.

There was no way I could get used to this. I had no friends. I had only met Sam and he would either annoy me and I would ignore him or her would reject me sooner or later.

“I told you that you couldn’t just expect to make new friends. You have to work for it Elizabeth. Expect to see me later and prepare for my rules, you’ll need them soon.” I heard Jonathan’s voice echo through my head once again

I hated this stupid house, I hated my stupid parents but most of all, I hate myself the most at the moment.

I walked over and put the box back that I had kicked back into place.

I breathed out and began to walk up the stairs to my room.

To my surprise my bed was set up and in place and most of my boxes were in my room already.

I flopped down on my bed and looked out the window just as the sunset dropped behind the distant mountains leaving a night sky

My eyelids began to feel heavy and I was suddenly tossed into another dream

“well isn’t it nice seeing you again.”

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