Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

“I assure you I’m not a pedophile”

"Lovers don't finally meet somewhere. They're in each other all along." Maulana Jalalu'ddin Rumi


"I seem to have loved you in numberless forms, numberless times, in life after life, in age after age forever." Rabindranath Tagore



“I’m sure you’re a very nice person and I look forward to staying with you” Jon continued.

Staying with me? What?!

“excuse me?” I asked harshly.

“honey, listen,” my mom said putting her hand on my arm, “ West Academy is a boarding school a mile or so away. That way it works is you would stay there throughout the week, then you would come here on the weekend.” she spoke calmly.

“Boarding school?” I interjected. “are you kidding me! Do you really hate me that much that you want to send me to a BORDING SCHOOL!” I screamed.

“Now Liz. It’s actually a very nice place.” Jon said calmly stepping towards me


“stay away from me you sick insolent jerk. And don’t call me Liz.” I said through gritting teeth pointing my finger at him.


“honey, you’re over reacting.” my mom said grabbing my shoulders.


“over reacting?” I questioned raising my eyebrow.


“no. mom, over reacting would be if you got me a cat and it wasn’t the color I wanted so I threw it out a window. that’s over reacting. You want me to spend a week, sharing a room in a dorm with a man a hardly know. He could be a pedophile!” I protested.

“I just turned seventeen, darling.” Jon said leaning against a box and putting his face in his hand with a very bored expression plastered on his face.

“like I give a damn.” I snapped.

“Elizabeth!” my mother shouted at my outburst. “ you are going to this school, whether you like it or not. Jonathan here is your roommate and he is a very respectable young man. Nothing will happen and we thought it would be nice to meet him first.” my mother stated firmly, pursing her lips.

“and I assure you I’m not a pedophile.” Jon said smirking.


“yes. See Lizzie, everything fine.” my mother said in satisfaction. ”now, you and Jon will be spending the rest of today together and also tomorrow. And he will help you pack some stuff to have over at your dorm.” she clapped her hands and nodded.

Jon stood up from his bored position on the boxes and smiled.

“yes Mrs. McKinley. Anytime your daughter’s ready.”

“lets just get this over with.” I said in defeat.

“well that’s my queue.” he said smiling. “ it was very nice to meet you Mrs. McKinley and tell your husband the same.” ho oozed.

“Oh please, call me Karen and my husband Paul.” he said sweetly. I gagged dramatically and walked away.

“I’m out. Peace mom” I said walking out of the living room, where I had been dragged into while I was arguing with my mom. And opened the door.

A warm breeze blew in and warmed me up from the chill of the air conditioner.


I stepped outside and sat on the edge of the porch to wait for the suck-up of a dummy, Jon.

I swung my feet back and forth as I sat on the white railing, humming to myself. It was a perfect summer day and I had to spend it with him.



“so. This is what you do in your free time.” Jon said hopping on the railing next to me. I jumped in surprise and put a hand over my chest to calm my racing heart. I hadn’t heard him come outside.

“what do you mean?” I said trying to regain my composure.

“you know. Arguing with your mom, swimming and almost dieing, then sitting around humming like a young child?” he said smirking as he raised an eyebrow.

“how did you know I was swimming?” I asked narrowing my eyes at him.

“I asked you a question first.” he countered. I sighed.

“and you call me childish..”

“ I never called you childish.” a confused look took over his face and I tried to hold in a laugh.

“yet.” he shrugged and sighed.

“true. But answer the question.” he persisted.

“ no.” I admitted, staring at my feet.

“exactly. “ he said looking down at my feet. “that’s really annoying” he said tilting his head toward my swinging feet.

“yeah. So?”

“so, stop it.”

“nope.” I said popping the P.

He rolled his eyes and hopped down into the grass.

“lets go.” he said holding his hand out so I wouldn’t fall.

“wait.” I said as I stopped swinging my feet. “how did you know I was swimming?”

His lips began to twitch up and his eyes gleamed with delight

“ I’ve told you before. Expect the unexpected.”




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