Chapter 8

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Chapter 8.


Talking of love is making it. -William G. Benham

"Falling in love is painful on the knee's" Bon Jovi

Love works in miracles every day: such as weakening the strong, and stretching the weak; making fools of the wise, and wise men of fools; favoring the passions, destroying reason, and in a word, turning everything topsy-turvy." Marguerite De Valois


“why do you act like I’m a fricking mommy’s girl?” I said suddenly pushing myself off the window and spinning to face him.

He glanced over at me and shrugged.

“you’re a -”

He calmly cut me off and sighed. “ language darling. Besides cursing only gives you frown lines.”

I raised my eyebrow and bit the inside of my mouth. “shut up Jon, and just drive. Do us both a favor and just shut the hell up.”

“like I said, language.”

“I don’t care mister proper. Just flipping drive. I don’t care what you say. I have to live with you for a while! Don’t make it worse.!” I yelled moving my hands in different directions. I could feel my face begin to get red with anger and frustration as I rested my head on my palms.

I heard him sigh and push the gas pedal down harder.

Miracles. This dummy learned to listen.


We pulled up to a restaurant called “Den’s Diner” or something like that and I looked over at Jon.

“what are we doing?”

“ I said we were having lunch.” he said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“you did?”

“ I think I did.” he said scratching his head. “yeah didn’t I say we were also going to the movies and then shopping?” he asked me.

I swallowed and stuttered. I remembered the shopping.

“yeah. I did. Oh well. Anyway, I want a burger. So let’s go.” he opened up the door and I tried to do the same.

I pushed on the door a few times but nothing happened.

That cornhusker put the child locks on.

I growled and slammed myself back against the seat.

He slowly walked around the car smirking and opened the door.

“manners.” he sang,

I pushed past him and walked over to the door.

“you’re lucky we’re in public and I can’t kick you little friend down there.” I said pointing to his pants.

His eyes got wide and quickly returned to normal size.

“don’t test me lizzie dear, you won’t like the outcome.” she whispered passing by me to a table.

I smirked.

He wants to think I’m a mommy’s girl. I guess its time for a little deceiving.

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