Chapter 9

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Chapter 9



“if I shall die before I wake, it’s because you took my breath away.”


I slid into the booth he picked out and placed my head on my palm.

He glanced up at me from the table and scoffed.

“can I help you.” I said sweetly, batting my eyelashes.

He shook his head and mocked my position and smiled in a sickeningly sweet way.


I frowned and crossed my arms.

“aw, did I rain on you parade.” he said with fake sympathy.

I smiled. “nope. You can try to rain on my parade, but I’ll dance in it.” I said. I had always wanted to use that line.

He sat back and crossed his arms. “huh” he stared down at the table. “I would’ve never thought you were actually a sarcastic fool to everyone.” he said.

I nodded as the waitress came by and handed us our menus.

“Hi I’m Stacy, I’ll be your waitress this evening. What can I get you to drink?” she asked smiling.

I smiled up and her and opened my menu “ I’ll have a sprite.” she nodded and turned to Jon.

“Pepsi.” she smiled and walked away as he turned to me. “now Lizzie, you have to tell me about yourself so that way I at least know something,” he said with a bored expression on his face.

“well, ask a few questions.” I said playing with my nails.

He sighed and leaned on the table.

“what’s your favorite animal, color, movie, food and band.” he asked glancing up at me

I smiled and leaned forward “Alpaca, Tie between Kick-ass and Napoleon Dynamite, green, another tie between French fries and mashes potatoes, and for now the ready set.” I said in one breath.

His eyes widened and he sat back up.

“first of all,“ he said “an alpaca? Why?”

“they look like they’re always smiling.”

“okay.. Second of all, Napoleon Dynamite?”

“ I know every word Jon, it completely epic, I mean come one he has a pet llama for Pete’s sake.”

He held up his hand in defense, “just asking. Third of all. Your way to into potatoes and forth of all, the Ready Set?” he asked shocked.

I nodded and pursed my lips. “yep. I like it for now. But my favorite band is always changing.” I shrugged and looked the menu over.

So many choices.

The cheese steak seemed really good but then again the cheese burger seemed so inviting

Then there was always onion rings, but then my breath might smell a little. So many bad things about onion rings. Sheesh,

I was stuck between the cheeseburger, Philadelphia cheese-steak , French Fries or perogies .

I glanced up and looked at Jon.

He looked at the menu, his face full of distress. His brow furrowed in confusion as he franticly scanned the menu.

“what are you getting?” I asked trying not to laugh.

His head shot up “it’s a secret.” he said as he stuttered.

“Uh huh.” I said smirking. He scowled at me and went back to the menu.

“I’m getting a cheeseburger, a milkshake, fries and ice cream.” he stated finally.

I nodded and bit my lip. “what about you?” he raised his eyebrow expectantly.

“cheese-steak, fries and a chocolate milkshake.” I said. He nodded and sighed again.

“you bore me when you sigh.” I said yawning.

“you bore me when you speak.” he retorted.

I rolled my eyes and looked out the window. “so Liz.” he began. “it’s your turn to ask questions.”

I raised my eyebrow and smirked.

“fine. What’s your biggest secret.” he instantly paled and sat up.

“ I have to go to the bathroom.” he said as he stood up.

He walked by me and a stuck my foot out and watched him stumble and almost crash into a table.

“Why you trippin’ Jon?” I asked sweetly.

He turned at me and scowled as he walked away.


I chuckled and turned back to the window.

I wonder what he was hiding


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