Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Bombshell much?



The most precious possession that ever comes to a man in this world is a woman\'s heart. -Timothy Titcomb (J.G. Holland)

"There is an important difference between love and friendship. While the former delights in extremes and opposites, the latter demands equality." Francoise D'Aubegne Maintenon


Men always want to be a woman's first love. Women like to be a man's last romance". Oscar Wilde


"Things base and vile, holding no quantity, Love can transpose to form and dignity." William Shakespeare





“yeah, and what’s that?” I was completely oblivious

Jon bit his lip and looked over at James, who then raised him hands in surrender.

“ you got yourself into this one bro, get yourself out.” he walked away and out the wooden door.

“ well?” I asked impatiently.

Jon sighed and grabbed at his hair and looked behind him at the door.

“ are you sure you want to know?” I nodded.

“ really sure.”


“ one hundred and ten percent?”

“ just tell me already, Jon.”

He sighed and threw his hands down at his sides.


I nodded and leaned against the cold stone wall.

“ well you see Elizabeth, we’re different.” he stated plainly.

“ yeah no whiz Shirley. So let’s get to the big cheese, so I can walk away.” Jon rolled his eyes

“ can’t you be serious for once Elizabeth!? This isn’t a joke.” he snapped

“ then just frigging tell me!” I shouted

“ we’re vampires okay!! Vampires. Creatures of the F**king night!” He snapped.

My breath caught in my throat and I stared at him, wide eyed.

That explains why they’re all so perfect looking, so strong, so fast. Why his eyes turned colors yesterday. Why this house was so big and .. Elegant…

I looked over at him and ran down the stone hallway, down to the big wooden door and swing it open.

I took off down the hallway and Jon caught up with my effortlessly.

“ calm down Liz, I’m still the same person” he grabbed my arms and held me there

“ no your not. You’re a monster.” I breathed heavily and pain flashed through his eyes. Jon, a guy who doesn’t even care about me just got hurt because of me.

“ no I’m not. Just listen, please Liz. Please.” he seemed to beg and he gripped tighter.

“ No.” I broke free of his grip and ran the only way I knew; to my room.

I ran up the stairs and tried to slam the door.

“ Lizzie, what’s wrong!!” it was Tori.

“ leave me alone… you animal.” I fell to the floor and pushed the door closed. I curled up in a ball and cried a little. Jon was a monster. And though I hate to admit it, I was falling for his jerky self.

I heard Tori sigh on the other side of the door and walk away. I crawled over to the bed and just leaned against the edge. I didn’t want to be there. I started going through my suit case and found my cell phone, turned on already. I thought I had lost it when we moved, but I guess my mom found it. As if on queue my phone started ringing with a number I didn’t recognize.

“ hello?” I said, my voice cracking.

“ hey E, I missed you, how are things?” the British accent seemed all to familiar.

“ Sam?” I asked, shocked.

“ Yeah and before you ask, I’m not stalking you, your mom gave me your number,”

I chucked and sniffled “ yeah it’s fine I wasn’t going to say anything like that.”

“ what’s wrong.” I hated how he picked up things easily

“ nothing, just homesick” I lied.

“ ok.” he didn’t believe me, I could tell.

“ josh says hi, by the way.” he sounded grim.

“ oh, tell him I said hi. Well since you with him I’ll let you go, talk to you tomorrow?” I said and he sighed. “ yeah so then I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” I hung up and slid the phone across the carpet. I didn’t wanna talk to Anyone right now.

I heard a knock on my door.

“ what do you want?” I said harshly.

“ liz, you have to talk about this sooner or later.” he said quietly.

“ no we don’t” I said in a bored tone when behind that door I was freaking out. I moved from the side closest to the door to the one farther away.

“ yes we do.”

“ then I pick later. Like way later. How about a hundred years from now?” I said sarcastically.

“ I’ll still be alive..” he said in a confused tone. I could almost see the face he would be making,

“ yeah but I won’t”

“ oh..” he finally got it… dummy.

“ yeah. Now leave.” I said harshly

“ you can’t hide for long. We really need to talk “ Jon said and he walked away. I sighed and layed down on ym floor. This will be harder than I thought

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