Chapter 14

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Chapter 14



If there ever comes a day

When we can't be together keep me in you heart, I’ll stay there forever♥- Unknown

The best feelings are those that have no words to describe them.... -Michelle Hammersley

What the heart has once owned and had, it shall never lose." Henry Ward Beecher



"True love is friendship caught on fire." French Proverb




“ I’m sorry, she.. Doesn’t know how to express her welcome well, but she likes you” Liza said. She smiled warmly and I couldn’t help but return the favor.

We continued with small talk for a while as they asked me normal questions

“ how old are you”

“ seventeen.”

“what’s your last name?”


Boring questions like that.

After a while Jon and I left and I said my goodbyes to Elizabella, Marcus, Tori, Cat, Kyler and Kaleb.

The ride home was mostly silent until we were almost back to his house.

“ why do you seem so disgusted with James?”

“ Because I am disgusted with him” he responded bluntly. I dropped the subject for now. I didn’t feel like fighting with him, I was just tired.


It was later and I laid on my bed and just stared at the ceiling. I had to find something to do before I went crazy. I sat up and walked out of the room and down the hallways. There were so many doors and turns and eventually I had no idea where in that place I was.

“ uhh Jon?” I said loudly, hoping that maybe he would hear me.

No response.

I sighed and kept walking. There had to be a way out of here…

I found a small stairwell that had a big wooden door at the bottom. Curiosity got the best of me and I hurried down to open it. There were stone walls and torches lining the walls. Creepy. Of course the darker side of me came out and I thought it was cool, so I kept going. There were a few more doors lining the walls but a bigger one at the end of the hallway that seemed to hold secrets behind them. I walked faster. I had to open that door. I was just about to open the handle when Jon walked out .

“ what are you doing down here?” he asked sternly. He seemed surprised and his eyes looked different, they seemed to glow.

I shrugged and looked around “exploring.”

“yeah well don’t explore down here. Let’s go.” he gestured toward the door I had come through and I sighed. Why was he being so protective?


He ushered me back up to my room and quickly disappeared. Weird. I sighed and decided to take a shower.


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