Chapter 12

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Chapter 12


He’s back





Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies. -Aristotle

"For where thou art, there is the world itself, and where though art not, desolation" William Shakespeare in Henry VI, Part II, Act iii, Sc.2

There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness. -Friedrich Nietzsche

"Love sought is good, but giv'n unsought is better". William Shakespeare in Twelfth Night (Act III, Scene I).


Sam sat with me for a while until josh texted him to come over.

I smiled and waved goodbye as I walked back inside the house to the vat of cold air that awaited me.

I sighed and walked into our living room.. Most of it was unpacked thanks to my mom but boxes still littered the dining room, kitchen and many bedrooms. I laid down on the couch and fell asleep

** “so are you going to be ready to live with me?” Jon appeared in front of me and I scowled.

“ never ever, ever”.

“ defiant. You know I like that.” he reached over and caressed my cheek gently and I smacked his hand away.

“ don’t be like that.”

“ I can and I will.” I crossed my arms and stared at him.

“ see something you like.” he smirked

“nope. Just some jerk who keeps annoying me.”

His face twisted into a frown and I saw something I couldn’t recognize flash through his eyes.

” you’re going to have to get used to it because there’s no way for you to get out of this.” his voice was hard and I tried not to cringe. That’s how my father used to yell at me.

“bet me.” I said harshening my voice.

“ you have no idea what you’re fighting Elizabeth. Stop.”

“ I’ll never stop Jon. Never. I’m doing what I believe in.”

“ I’m coming to you. Tomorrows the day you move with me. Start packing.” he seemed to deteriorate away like sand in the wind and then blackness came and I heard him whisper. “you can’t escape. We need each other.”**

I popped up off the couch and looked around. I was still alone.

I rubbed my head. I didn’t think Jon was able to get into my dreams anymore but I guess I was wrong. I got up and headed toward the phone. I had to see if I really was leaving tomorrow, but I had to be calm about it.

I quickly punched in my mom’s cell phone number and she picked up on the second ring.

“ hello?” she asked sweetly

“ why didn’t you tell me I was leaving TOMORROW!” I yelled. So much so being calm…

“ I was going to tell you when I got home.” she said calmly.

“ yeah so but it’s my life and I deserve to know when the hell you’re gunna shift me off to some jerk’s residency ‘ I started playing with my hair out of frustration as I waited for what she would say next.

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