Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


Mother knows best..



Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired. -Robert Frost

A joyful heart is the inevitable result of a heart burning with love." Mother Teresa

"Love lives on hope, and dies when hope is dead; It is a flame which sinks for lack of fuel". Pierre Corneille

"May no gift be too small to give, nor too simple to receive, which is wrapped in thoughtfulness and tied with love." L.O. Baird

True love is when you have to watch a friend leave, with the knowledge that you might never see him again. But you know he'll be in your mind and heart forever..."


“ I was feeling sick” I lied.

“ well then go to your room.” she pointed up the stairs.

“ I planned on it.” I said in a bored tone and started up the stairs.

“ don’t you dare give me attitude” my mother yelled walking up the stairs behind me.

“ I already did.” I walked over to my door and she stormed over.

“ you had better learn to be respectful or you’ll wish you never breathed.” she said in rage and stomped down the steps.

It was hard not to laugh. I walking inside my room and flopped down on my bed.

So much to do..


I sighed and glanced around at the array of boxes.



I pulled one off the floor beside my bed. It was labeled memories. I scowled and pushed it off the bed and grabbed another.



I pulled it open and started folding clothes. This all had to be done sooner or later. I wasn’t unpacking so soon because of that horrid boarding school my parents insist on having me attend. The worst part is, I have to room with Jon.



He was always so moody and different and I could never get him to just leave me along and let me do my own thing. I don’t know what kind of family that jerk came from but it was ridiculous.


He had been oddly.. Relaxed and laid back after he came out of the bathroom unlike the strict and proper person I had already become used to. Maybe he had to take a mondo crap or something. I couldn’t help but crack a smile at that thought.



It was disgusting but funny all at once.



I sighed and decided to sit on my porch for a while. Folding clothes was going to take forever and it was nice outside.



I walked down my stairs into my now empty house and grabbed a piece of paper that was left on top of a table in the foyer



‘ went out to get things and learn the town. Fix up your attitude, you have to e nice to Jon so get used to it now. Love mom”


I growled and crumpled up the paper muttering profanities under my breath and dropped into one of the chairs on the porch. Thank god these things are padded.

“ Lizzie!” I heard a British voice yell. I tried not to smirk. Sam was everywhere. I mean he was adorable and all but I wasn’t used to it.

“ Sam!” I yelled back

I could see his goofy smile as he jogged over to the porch and I stood up. “ long time no see.” I said sarcastically.

He picked my up and hugged me really tight. “ I need to breathe” I gasped.

“ sorry.” he put me down and I could see the corners of his mouth twitch up.

I wonder how Jon hugs…..

“ it’s okay. So what’s up” I crossed my arms and started up at him.

“ nothing much. Hey Josh and I are going to the movies later, want to come? You know you can see the town and stuff maybe meet some people,.” he asked shyly.

I smirked and laughed a little. “ thanks for the offer Sammy boy” I smiled at him “: but I have to unpack and everything tonight; it’s just not a good night. Maybe some other time.”

his smile slipped but he quickly replaced it again, this one , clearly forced.

“ alright that’s cool.. I think” he said shyly.

“ why are you acting so.. Shy?” I asked.

“ I’m acting like I always do…” he said furrowing his brows together, his cheeks turning a slight pink.

“ you didn’t act this way when you sprayed me with hose” I countered.

“ that was different, it was an accident.” he said defensively, his British accent showing more with every little bit of frustrated he got.

“ sure it was Sam, sure it was.” I put my hand on his shoulder

“ it was. I swear.” he put his hands up in surrender.

“ or you just wanted to see some random girl who waled by wet so you had and excuse to talk her.” I smiled slyly. I enjoyed messing with him.

His eyes got wide. “ you’ve known me for how long?”

“ I don’t know. Maybe a day.”

“ exactly. You should not know stuff like that about me.” he laughed. “ you are one of a kind E.”

I already knew that.



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