Chapter 59

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Second. Last. Chapter!
Holy shit!
- H <3

You will always end up where you're meant to be.

You know how when you're walking beside the shore on the soft mud, and the waves keep crashing at your feet, making you feel an eery sense of calm that you've never felt before?

That is exactly how I feel.

Everything feels so rejuvenating and light. I had never imagined being with your loved ones could cause such a postive impact on you. Because I feel this newfound strength and hope in myself that I once lost when I left home.

Now that everything is solved between me and my parents, it seems like all is right in the world. I don't remember seeing them so happy than they were that night. After shedding more tears and confessing buried feelings, we had hot coffee and talked about how life was.

I told them all about work and how much passionate I am regarding it. I talked about Sam and Zanna and promised Mum and Dad that I would bring them over some day so we all could spend some time together because I know, without a doubt, that my parents would love those two idiots.

I chuckle to myself. These four people are the closest to me, they're all the family I've got. It's weird, just some time ago I thought my life was over when I realized that the the girl I loved didn't exist. And now, thinking about that same girl gives me a sense of confidence, a sense of faith.

I dreamed I was missing
You were so scared
But no one would listen
'Cause no one else cared

The song interrupts my thoughts and I'm brought back to Starbucks where I've been sitting for quite some while now with my coffee and croissant in front of me. I know this song.. I can't place my finger on where I've heard it before but I know this song..

"How can you not like Madame Tussaud's Museum?! It's one of the best places!"

I turn my head to find the source of the shrilling voice. It's a teenage girl with a guy, might be her friend or boyfriend. But that's not what I'm thinking at the moment. Because my mind is running in circles thinking of Madame Tussaud's. I'm thinking of Cassandra.

I take a sharp intake of breath as a small piece of information from the dream flashes in my mind. This was Cassandra's favourite song. 'Leave Out All The Rest' by 'Linkin Park'.

After my dreaming
I woke with this fear
What am I leaving
When I'm done here?

So if you're asking me
I want you to know

Something doesn't feel right to me. Something inside of me is twisting and turning uncomfortably and I can't help but feel a bit scared. I close my eyes and rest my head on my hands.

"Wake up!"

My eyes flash open and I turn my head once again. I don't know who said it, but God dammit it made my heart beat fast. I may have gotten over the bizarreness of the dream, but I can't get over those two words that used to signal the end of the dream.

When my time comes
Forget the wrong that I've done
Help me leave behind some
Reasons to be missed

What is happening? It's almost as if there are puzzle pieces all scattered around and I have gotten the job to put them together in a jigsaw.

I'm so preoccupied with my thoughts that it takes me a good whole five minutes to finally recognize the girl working behind the counter.

Her straight, raven black hair is tied back up in a sleek pony tail with her bangs pinned carelessly to a side, making a few strands fall on her forehead. Her lips are a light pink colour, and not the dark red they were always painted. In fact, she does not have even an ounce of make up on and I can't believe the fact how beautiful she actually is. All those layers of foundation and face powder and excessive make up had hidden her true face. She seems fresh and radiant.

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