Requested by @Lynn_Loravile
Bloodshot, cold, and miserable. Maybe there was something wrong. Either the many drinks I had shared or the absence of my husband at war, I could never tell what shall befall in the coming time of life. Many thoughts swirled my head in a revolving manner with such scenarios of army men marching to my doorsteps and deliver such awe-strucking, horrifying news of him. Danger leeks everywhere, and I, myself, cannot prove my worth to such compromising demise. Only my husband can. I'd rather die knowing he protected more than just me, than to live and know he will never come back as the hero we all knew him for.
Was that selfish? To purposefully think he will be the figure everyone will come to more than just appreciate? People will see the worth of my husband's reputation to be more than the worth of my own. 'Twas selfish, indeed. Boggled, my own mind found more worth in seeing my husband's reputation to be higher on the scale of importance than the bond we share. How scandalous of me.
Lying in the comforts of my own bed, my mind swirled to many things that probed my memories and my thoughts, as well as the delusions it carries. Victim I am of this to succumb to it, yet trials and errors have turned me to the woman I am, and my destiny is to be set forth with my husband.
None knows of his true identity save for a handful of souls, myself included. This feeling alone made me feel at ease with the world, yet suffer severe paranoia at the thought of him.
He was not like any other human being I have ever laid eyes upon. True as it may be that he does not spark the conversation, his mere presence was enough to fill the hearts of many. I longed for his touch, but alas, even women of the military must wait for the intimacy of their spouse when they return home. Burdens my heart that there will be those who will not be able to see their beloveds. Cruel war may seem, but loyalty to the country was something worth accounting for.
My eyes held heavy as I strain to glaze past the fogged window. My peripheral vision cut short by the fog outside. Chilly 'twas, but that never stopped anything. My hands clasped together in my lap, patiently waiting for my beloved to come home. Nothing had happened, as did every day for the past six months. They said he would come back, yet I saw no sign of him. I could not risk straining myself to find him, only because something miraculous was about to happen very soon.
I am about to bare his child. He was stationed out when I was three months in, but took no notice of it. Now, I sit here, my torso now bulging out like a balloon ready to pop. I smiled at the thought of a child. I, myself, don't even know the sex. It remains a mystery.
I got up. It was time I stopped waiting. Unfortunately, my best friend, Tino, was not around for he had errands to run and a child of his own to care for. I could not take him away from his happiness, and I knew he does not want to leave me, yet I convinced him to go. I struggled to get up, but I did eventually. When I did, I strolled out to the vehicle my husband bought me on our anniversary. It was a succulent hybrid. A wonderful Volkswagon. It sits at least four people. I sat in the driver's seat and started my way to the military station. It was not far from where I lived.
Just as I pulled in, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I breathed in and out slowly then fast. I quickly parked my car and got out with some difficulties. I went to where the planes would be landing with the military men. I saw it in the distance and it was coming close. As it got closer, my contractions did as well. Luckily, there were guards on duty who took notice.
"Miss," one approached me, concern glossing over his eyes. I looked at him. His eyes were a clashing blue compared to my dull ones. "Are you in need of assistance?" Since I could not handle this kind of pain on my own, I nodded in response, another contraction hitting the front of my bloating stomach. I yelled loudly, panting heavy breaths.

Fanfiction《《《N O MORE REQUESTS 》》》 Hetalia one-shots. Pretty self-explanatory. I apologize for all my mistakes as a young writer, and now as a matured writer, I apologize for lack of updates.