Sadistic Lover⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀[ AU's for both are
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀"a surprise. Read
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀on to find out. ]
Rain. It covered the entire area for days, and nothing is coming out for the good of the citizens. Both Germany and Italy, the countries, not personification, are drenched to the deep soil. The opaqueness of the once crystal blue sky scurries around all over. Who knows what's going on for the entirety of everyone.
It became too gloomy for everyone that they stayed indoors, becoming isolated from the outside world. Veneziano stayed inside his place, not knowing what time of day, month, or even year it was. Miserable, isn't it?
First, let's take a look at the Italian side of the story and see what's bothering a Hetalian's favorite Italian (LOL not everyone loves Veneziano. . . I know one who doesn't X3 ). He sat atop his fine Roman sofa, his eyes, open and lacking of energy. His hair is a mess, as if he had just woken up from a crazy night. One can clearly see the bones that are covered by the skin, much scrawny he is.
As he sat on the sofa, his head slowly turned to the slightly opened curtains, revealing just a glimpse of light from the gloomy outside world. His mouth opened slightly, soft breathings can be heard.
"Why did you-a do this..?" He spoke aloud, slowly closing his eyes as he lied down. He then went into an empty sleep, which will never give him a sense of peace or refreshment, just a taste of emptiness.
Now, what is Germany doing, you may ask? We are about to find out.
Germany; Germany on the other hand had a much more discrete attitude than his supposed 'lover,' Veneziano. In the depths of his bedroom, Germany sat at his desk, dim lights illuminating the darkened room. In his hands, there held something cold, something metal, something covered in a crimson substance, with a smell of iron.
A few blinks of his icy, yet cruel sky blue eyes and a sinister smirk was playfully placed on his thin lips. Low giggles became lower chuckles. It then became screeching laughs.
Why does this world have to be so cruel? Why does it affect people to no end?
Anyway, while Italy was sulking down in his room, Germany has made special plans to.. 'visit' him. He didn't tell his lover before hand, telling himself it would be a 'surprise.'
Boy, what a surprise he would get.
Hours had passed and Germany landed in Italy, he made his way to the threshold of the Vargas estate, pushing past the stubborn southern.
He yelled curses into the atmosphere, while having it not affect the German one bit. He walked around the now quiet mansion, his heavy footsteps clicking and clacking on the hardwood floor every step he took.
The weather outside plus the dusk made the room around him give off a horror like vibe, causing goosebumps of pleasure to run through his cold blood veins. A wicked smile torture his lips to create an etchy look on his pale face. What mad people call friends, to what fragile people call monsters.
You may be wondering what happened to the Southern Italian, right?
Let's just say... he can no longer cuss again. .
He inches closer to his Italian lover and whimpers are heard. They were nearly silent, but they were heard. Small chuckles, sadistic, emanate from the German, the sharped knife he had gotten held in his hand.
He found Italy in the farthest room, but he opened the door rather slowly, as to not disturb him. But his movements gave away as the whimpers grew louder and louder. This put the German in a good feeling, holding the knife tighter.
"Italy," The thick German accent rang through the room. Italy looked up, tears stricken his whole face.
"G-Germany!! N-no!! Y-you-a nee-need to-a st-stop!!" The poor Italian's voice quavered as he eyed the knife. More tears fell from his face as he begins to ultimately beg him to stop.
Germany only let out a huge laugh, mixing it with the rumbling thunder and rain from the dark world out there. He positioned the knife and pointed it to Italy's head.
"Nein, Italy. I've put up vith jour antics for far too long. Und now, jou vill die by my hands." His voice was low And husky, yet raspy and dangerous. Italy cried like he had never cried before and stood up, only to be stabbed repeatedly by his German 'friend.'
"G-Ger-m-nan..y.." he gagged out, lying on the floor. Germany looked down and his eyes went from a piercing blue, to a sky blue. His eyes widened and tears threatened to fall.
"ITALY!!! VH-VHAT HAPPENED?" He asked, oblivious of his own doings. He looked at the knife he held in his hands and back at Italy, horror washing over his face.
"Nein... Nein... NEIN!!!!" He yelled frantically, throwing the knife away, but instead missing and it hit Italy in the chest. He let out a blood curdling scream of pain, causing Germany to panic throughout the entire time.
Italy lay limp on the ground, his eyes barely opened. A sobbing Germany held him in his arms, crying and saying how much he was sorry.
Italy shook his slightly, knowing his time was almost up.
"T-te... Amo..."
Those were his last words....
Before Germany ended his life by his own hands.
Woop woop! Done!
You know the drill!!
Btw, I actually enjoyed writing this. X3

Fanfiction《《《N O MORE REQUESTS 》》》 Hetalia one-shots. Pretty self-explanatory. I apologize for all my mistakes as a young writer, and now as a matured writer, I apologize for lack of updates.