America x England

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Fatherly Figure

Oh, dedicated to @ynnabanana25!! :D please follow her! She's like, amazing! >u<


They say a father, or a fatherly figure keeps children from swaying from their teachings. Now, not every family is perfect, or what anyone would take, oh, what is the word.. "appropriate"?

Anyway, moving on with the story~

Small America ran throughout the Victorian decorated house. This surely gave the head of the household an immense headache. Rubbing his temples, a sigh escape his lips.

"America!" He called out, distressed. Said country is running around, pretending he is some heroic figure, saving damsels in distress. He stop what he is doing and ran to the stressed voice.

"So, the damsel is distressed! Can I help ya with anythin'?" England let out another sigh, annoyed about the boy's grammar.

"One, could you please be quiet and not break anything? To put it simple, I want you to behave like a well behaved young man. Two, I want you to watch your grammar, it bothers me to no end." America pouted, not liking all the rules he was being set on.

"But what if I don't wanna?"

"It's 'don't want to.'" America cross his arms, obviously irritated.

"I don't like all the stupid rules you make me do. Wh-"

"'Follow'" A loud grunt came from the small nation, his face red from anger. Instead of yelling, he stomped his foot and stormed out, heading to who-knows-where.

For the third time today, England sighed. He got up and began to look for the young nation.

"America! Where art thou?" He hummed before listening for a reply. Nothing. He blink a few times and began to walk around again. He kept walking until he found America in a meadow. Running, he grabs the boy into his arm.

"Oh, America, don't you dare run away like that. You had me worried sick!" He set him on his lap and hugged him tightly.

"I'm sorry. ." America said softly. England looked at him, a smile wide on his lips.

"It's quite alright. There's no need to apologize."

"No, I mean, you were worried. I'm supposed to be a hero. I didn't come to your call, I failed. I shouldn't be a hero." A few stray tears fell from his face. England's smile widened, a tear or two falling down his face as well.

"America.. I found you now, and that's all that matters."


"Yes, really."


Oh! SO SWEET OMG!!! ;^; Idk, I really liked this one.

Well, anyway, you know the drill!

If you have any requests, don't hesitate to ask!!!


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