Coffee Shop Date
Requested by AbiAnime
Your P.O.V.
It was that time of month again.
You know, the one where the majority of the male population think women are moody, when the hormonal changes and the excruciating pain of their insides twisting itself inside out are really what is causing the different behavioral changes to occur.
What a time to be alive, I guess.
Your head pounded at the sight in front of you. What you had on your desk was a college assignment that was due in the next few days. Seven pages of research scattered in an unorganized fashion. Each page were spread out in a random formation. Light almost flickered above the desk, signaling that the bulbs are to be changed soon or the electricity is close to being shut off due to the raging storm outside. It was a Friday night. Every other college students party hard on the weekends.
You weren't interested.
In your dorm, it was quiet. Your roommate had gone out for the evening. Unlike the rest of the students on campus, she was busy working at her night shift job. How the hell she managed to work third shifts and still study for tests and finals still baffles you. Your roommate was the ideal person you wanted to be.
A soft breath of air escaped the gaps of your lips as you scanned the papers you had written. You pulled out your laptop and opened it up. Upon entering, you had received a few messages. Some of them were from drunk classmates and fellow work-study colleagues. A lot of them were reminders of her scholarships and many other college-related ideals. You opened up your webpages and clicked your favorite sites.
In one of them, you had received a few messages. They were from your boyfriend of eighteen months
Luciano Vargas
Your eyes scanned the words, getting a grasp on what it said. Here it reads:
2:07 A.M.
> Hey, Y/N
> Don't you dare fall for any guys at that stupid college of yours. I want you to be smart, not a dumbass.
> By the way, meet me at that coffee shop you like to go to in that weird-ass town name you visit frequently around 10.
> Don't make me wait
It was so typical of him to be that way towards you, but you never minded. It was his way of showing how much he cared about you.
A smile etched it's way onto your delicate lips as your fingers begin to beat in a rhythmic tone on your laptop keyboard.
7:27 A.M.
Don't you worry, darling. I only got my eyes on you. <
I'll meet you there ;) <
As soon as I hit send, not even a minute later, he replied back. I couldn't help but let out a small uncontrollable laugh. He was hilarious when it comes to stuff like this.
7:27 A.M.
> Just get here
> or don't make me drag you by the hair ;)
Sometimes, he can be too much. Another set of giggles rose and I soon got up from my spot at the desk to get ready for the day. Since it was a Friday and classes were cancelled for some odd reason, I decided to get into some khaki capris and a white crop top that showed only my lower stomach. I laced up my white converse and placed a white baseball cap atop my head. As soon as I am satisfied with my chosen attire for the day, I went out. My eyes half-lidded due to lack of sleep. My feet wearily, yet excitedly strode along the concrete ground towards the coffee shop I enjoyed so much. As soon as I got it on my sights, I glanced down at my phone. The time read 7:57. I have three minutes.
I casually stepped inside, the whiff of coffee and pastry filled my nose and my mouth watered. My stomach growled signaling the time for my breakfast. I sat down at a high table and waited for Luciano to come in and greet me. On the dot, he waltzed in, his smirk present as he saw me sitting along at the table. He came close to me and leaned a hand beside me on the table.
"Hey, pretty." He leaned in and gave me a long kiss, not caring if others were watching. I giggled against his lips and slightly smacked his chest.
"Before we show the world how mushy we are, get me something to eat." I smirked. He let out a small chuckle before poking at my sides sharply. I yelped and smacked his ass. It was high enough to pass as a back slap, but it was still way too low for a back slap. He turned his head and gave me a knowing look. I stuck my tongue out at him and turned around.
After a few minutes, he handed me a plate full of goodies.
"Now you promised me, (Y/N). I don't want you backing out on your word." A smirk was still present on his face. I smiled innocently and leaned forward, placing my hand on his inner thigh. I placed a soft kiss on the corner of his lips and went back to my default position on the seat. I continued to eat my breakfast while he sat there sexually frustrated with me.
done. sorry for my late updates. ;;;; been really tired

Fanfiction《《《N O MORE REQUESTS 》》》 Hetalia one-shots. Pretty self-explanatory. I apologize for all my mistakes as a young writer, and now as a matured writer, I apologize for lack of updates.