America, Goodbye
I haven't updated in a long time. Well, sorry xD I hope you enjoy this while I go and write a few more maybe.
*⠀:⠀・゚⠀✧ America; goodbye ✧⠀・゚⠀:⠀*
The scribbling of the pen against the rough paper echoes throughout the small cramped up room in the basement of one of his old friend's place. America's lips quavered at the thought of everyone's judgmental stares and criticism. He never told anyone, not even his closest friends, knew about his dysfunctional body, and how he is afraid of everyone's harshness.
As he continues to write, salty droplets of water fell upon the crinkled up paper. Every words was written with strong emotions. He chokes out a sob, not wanting to wake up everyone. After writing, he closes the book and forces his stomach to throw up the contents he ate that day. The disgusting bile arose and he quickly, yet quietly, made his way to the bathroom. All the digestive juices plus food were slashed into the toilet.
He panted, his head feeling dizzy. He had been doing this quite often, however. It was definitely not good for his own health, but he chose to because of such harshness everyone sends when he eats so much. More choked out sobs were heard in the house, but they weren't loud enough for anyone to hear. Again, he forced more contents to be thrown up.
Once he did, he saw spots dancing around in his vision. He panted more, moving his way to the sink to quickly wash his face. That didn't help, however, for he was seeing more and more spots flood. He moved out the way of the bathroom and stumbled rather loudly into the living room. He stood straight beside the couch, gave one final breath, threw up, and collapsed on the couch.
Prussia, whom America was staying over at, yawned as he headed downstairs to make breakfast. His crimson red eyes glanced over at the couch, seeing his friend's feet dangling over. A smile etched it's way onto his pale face, oblivious to what happened the previous night.
"Guten morgen, Alfie!" He greeted. He received no response. Prussia waited for about a minute before shrugging and going into the kitchen to cook.
During this, Prussia grew concerned. It was 2 in the afternoon (he and Alfred stood up LATE playing video games). He finished up the food and decided to go check on his American friend.
"'Ey! Alfie! Vake up! Breakfast iz served!" A smirk was planted on his face, but his smirk faded almost instantly at the sight of his friend. America's eyes were of glossy hazel, his skin pale, and the corners of his mouth contains dried vomit. The Prussian's eyes grew wide and felt himself getting sick.
"Alfred..?" He tried. "Alfred? Alfred?! ALFRED?!" His breath were now short as he tried shaking up his friend. Nothing was working. He wasn't getting up. Tears began to form on the corners of Prussia's eyes. He didn't want this to be true. He wanted this to all be a bad dream, but he knew it wasn't.
He knew about America's problem, yet he had no courage to confront him. He began to sob as he hugged his now deceased friend.
"ALFRED!!! WHY???!" He yelled, sobbing like some girl who watched the saddest movie ever in her life. He hugged the body tightly.
"Don't.. l-leave... m-m-me. ." he choked, in between sobs.
It had been hours since the incident, and it was raining. Splendid, Prussia thought. He went into the basement to actually clean the mess that lied in the living room.
As he came into the storage room, he found a small diary. Well, he knew who it was since the covered said:
He cracked a small smile, but then began to sob quietly. He picked up the diary and read. It was all talking about England and himself, but he stopped the skim reading once he reached the day both met.
'Today I saw Prussia. He seemed cool, but not as cool as the hero."
A chuckle was emitted. He continued on until they began to grow feelings for each other.
'Prussia... he kept making my heart beat fast. I don't know.. maybe.. maybe... I love him..'
Prussia's heart skipped a beat and a blush was covered on his face. He continued.
'I don't know if my darling Prussia would read this, but I had to let him know this...
Prussia, I'm sorry.. I didn't want to stop, even if you were the only one who knew my problem and dealt with me, even considering me to stop. I appreciate it all.. I'm sorry.. I'm sorry I gave up.. A hero wasn't supposed to, huh? hehe. Sorry, again...
Prussia...? I will never forget you, I'll always be watching you...
I love you.. Alfred ♡'
Prussia collapsed, sobbing uncontrollably. He would never get his Alfred back, he would never be able to hold him in his arms anymore, to smell the burgers emanating from him. He would now miss the embraces he would share..
Now, it's all
Goodbye Alfred.. <3

Fanfiction《《《N O MORE REQUESTS 》》》 Hetalia one-shots. Pretty self-explanatory. I apologize for all my mistakes as a young writer, and now as a matured writer, I apologize for lack of updates.