A/N: Omg! I gained like 300+ reads after just ONE update! :D: thank you! ;w; enjoy this next update!
Btw this was a request but I forgot who it was... oops..
[EDIT]: It was for @slovakiahetalia ! ;3;
Guns and Roses
Switzerland was enjoying a peaceful day, cleaning out his gun closet, filled with different weapons of different calibers (If you know how to spell that word, let me know, because I feel so self-conscience about it). Once everything was cleaned and put up properly, he went into the kitchen to grab something to eat.
As he looked out of the window, he saw someone so beautiful, so celestial, so majestic, he couldn't stop staring.
[ Your POV ]
You began your daily routine: waking up, refreshing yourself with breakfast and cold water against your face, take a stroll outside, and either relax or work from home the rest of the day. You breathed in a few breaths and exhaled them all out, taking in the sweet scent of summer into your lungs.
You decided to take a different route than last week's because you wanted different routes to try out. You started out on a walk, then gradually got into a jog, and then back to walking. You walked past this huge house, it looked too beautiful for just one person, you thought as you only see one name engraved on the mailbox. You didn't know two people live there because you didn't see the other side of it. Anyway, you took a look at the house and went back to your walking routine.
You smiled at the thought of the house again. You wished you could find someone to love and cherish and live in, but of course, that was the hopeless romantic in you. You took a deep breathe and breathed out, knowing it's all hopeless for you.
'Oh, well,' you thought. 'I must go on.' And with that, you kept going on your way.
Switzerland's POV
As he saw the goddess leave his front yard, he couldn't help but think about her afterwards. She was so beautiful to his eyes. He was practically drooling over you if it weren't for his common sense he has a younger sibling in the house. He sighed a deep breath and began to continue cleaning his gun closet again, this time thinking about the woman who passed by his house.
The Next Day
Switzerland awoke, this time he was going to talk to the woman who walked in front of his house yesterday. He got up to make his bed and went to get everything ready, like doing what he does everyday so his younger sister, Lily, won't get suspicious of his doings.
Out of the garden, Switzerland grabbed a rose, and tucked it away so no one can see it. He waited outside his house for the beauty to come by. Fortunately enough for him, you arrived five minutes later, jogging.
Your POV
You, again, began your routine. You made the bed, you got yourself refreshed, and now you're heading out for the fresh air that you wouldn't get by just sitting around in the house doing nothing but working.
As you made your way to the new route you took yesterday, you saw someone standing outside of the fancy hoiuse. He was on the porch, just watching the very few passerbys come and go. However, it was really different once you walked passed. He called out to you, not by your real name since that was really creepy and you barely evem knew him, but you stopped since you didn't want to seem rude to him.
You turned your body to him, a kind smile lightly plattered on your angelic face. Beads of sweat began to flow from your forehead down to face.
"H-hallo.." He stuttered. His eyes say he's serious but his cheeks play childish. "J-jou- ah.. I-I'm just.. Oh- I-I'm Vash..."
You chuckled and pecked his cheek, causing him to blush.
"You're cute, Vash, I'm _____." You say, and turn around. Before you went off jogging again, you felt a hand wrap around your arm. You turn around to face the red man in front of you. He gave you a rose, a beautiful red rose.
"Wo-would j-jou like to... go.. out vith me?" You smiled and blushed.
"Sure, why not?" You shrugged. He looked at you and happiness overwhelmed him that he hugged you tightly. He kissed your cheeks and ran back in his house, leaving you dunbstruck and laughing.
AHHH FINISHED ;W; I love this. I enjoyed writing this one so much!!
ARGH!! Why can't anime men be real? Seriously..
I know you do! :D
Enjoy~ and see you in the next update! <3

Fanfiction《《《N O MORE REQUESTS 》》》 Hetalia one-shots. Pretty self-explanatory. I apologize for all my mistakes as a young writer, and now as a matured writer, I apologize for lack of updates.