Love to Life
Requested by BlackVenomNK
Laughter filled the ears of many. There were words spewing out of the mouths of the living. People smiled and cared for each other.
It was another peaceful day in the lives of the five Scandinavian men. They hung around, talking and relaxing. It was typical for them to just goof off, it was a part of their daily routine. The shortest of the five men, a blonde who goes by the name Tino, brought up a subject that no one had ever brought up before.
"You know," his voice echoed to the ears of the rest of the men in the room. They looked at him, curious as to what he has to say. "I would like to invite a friend of mine that I have not seen in forever. Do you guys mind?" Each men had a distinct look on their faces. The man with the gravity-defying hair, Matthias, shot him a look. Both held the gazes, somehow telepathically understanding who the guest was. The others were confused.
"Who?" His face was full of confusion and it had interest. A thought entered his mind and a knowing smile graced his lips. "Is it (Y/N)?" Tino smiled. At least there was someone who knew who he was talking about. He nodded his head.
"Yes! But, in all honesty, it's more of a babysitting thing for Hana." He gently rubbed his hand down the back of his precious dog's back. A smile on his face. The others were quiet for a second before continuing their own conversation. By the end of the day, they all went home to sleep and prepare for the day ahead of them tomorrow.
By the time that came around, A tall, rather intimidating man came to Tino's home. He knocked on the door and instead of Tino opening the door, it was a woman he has never met before. She had (Hair length) hair and the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen. Even when she is (body type) she was absolutely stunning, and his face went red at that thought.
"Oh! You must be Berwald!" You exclaimed, smiling. You moved out of the way so that he can come in, which he did. You closed the door behind him and went into the living room where Hanatamago (oh god... I can't spell the dog's name worth a flip. Someone help me.) Tino giggled at you as you play with his dog then looked at Berwald.
"Oh! Hello! It seems that you have already met (Y/N). Well, since you are here, could you make sure nothing happens while I'm gone?" You being you, you overheard the conversation and decided to butt in.
"I heard that, Tino! I am not irresponsible!" He scoffed then turned to you.
"For your information., the last time I let you alone, you almost burned down the kitchen making spaghetti." He chuckled a bit and you laughed.
"I can't help that I'm related to the one and only Arthur von Doom." You burst out in laughter at your own joke. "That was a good one. I am so funny."
"More like strange, but anyway, I gotta go! See you both in a few hours. And Berwald," Tino turned to his tall friend, "please keep the both of them safe as well." Berwald grunted in response and Tino was off, leaving only the two in the room alone with the dog.

Fanfiction《《《N O MORE REQUESTS 》》》 Hetalia one-shots. Pretty self-explanatory. I apologize for all my mistakes as a young writer, and now as a matured writer, I apologize for lack of updates.