Stubborn Jealousy
Requested by BlackVenomNK
(it gon' get steamy up in hur)
There was always something about friendship, a reckless kind or relationship one might add. It was always something that got in the way of anything more grand than the next. It gave the other person a sense of security while this person got the sense of destruction in the relationship. People are people, and they will do whatever it takes to make sure it does go the way they want it to be, even if they are blinded by their actions for hurting others.
That is what you did with Lovino Vargas, the man you seemingly had the utmost attraction to, yet your conscience screamed for you to find someone else. Sure enough, you were in the vicinity of others, including Feliciano Vargas and Ludwig Beilschmidt. Those two helped you with your conflicting feelings for Lovino, but for himself, he was thinking of something rather unpleasant.
He had the thought that you were not interested in him anymore, and that you decided that you wanted to be friends with his brother, because he was so much better. Inside, he was longing for something to be a part of, the brother was ready to beg, steal, borrow, or barter...
Off topic.
He was undoubtedly jealous.
The next day, he was being extremely grouchy to you. When you were cleaning, he would purposely make a mess just to make you angry, which worked. You growled, but didn't say anything rash because you did not want to have an argument with someone who sucks their faces in tomatoes all the time.
This made Lovino even more excruciatingly tiresome. He swore under his breath that you will be punished somehow. He didn't want to physically hurt you. He cared far too much for you. He was also scared to ask why you spend so much time with his brother than he. He was afraid he would lose you.
When he spilled the milk in the kitchen, that was your last straw.
"Fuck! Lovino!" You screamed. "Why are you trying to make me so pissed off today? I'm trying to clean!"
"I-a know that!" He retorted. "And I was-a trying to make a mess."
"Oh? I didn't notice." The sarcasm was dripping from your words like ooze. "Suppose you tell me why you are making such a mess and pissing me off so easily today? What's your problem, anyway?" You crossed your arms as you gave him a stern look. He copied your pose and rose his nose up high.
"Bella, if only you-a knew." He gave a small 'hmph' and turning to the side, his cheeks flaring red. He pouted. You were too angry to notice how somber he became.
"If I only knew what? That you are doing this because you dislike me? I already know that. If you have a problem with me, get out of here." As soon as those words flew out of your mouth, Lovino was already grabbing your wrists. He was so close to you. In fact, your noses were touching.
"I don't have a problem with you, mia bella." he whispered, his voice raspy. "It's the people I caught hanging out with you." His mouth moved and went onto your neck to nibble and plant butterfly kisses. You squeaked and bit your lip, your face going red.
"Y-you were spying o-n me?" You shivered at his touch.
"I couldn't help it." He said in between kisses. "Ti amo, mia bella" He went on to attacking your neck, placing hickeys. He grind against you, causing you to moan softly.
"I love you, too, Lovi~" You gently grabbed his curl, stroking it. He made an unreadable face. "I was with them because I was getting advice for our relationship." You tugged hard on the curl. He growled and didn't say anything after that.
Let's just say you both had such a sexy time.
Oh, okay. Now that this is out of the way, I can open requests again.
BUT!!! There are some rules..
[1] - I'm ending this after..... five more requests (last minute decision because I don't wanna spend too much time on this book) so only one request per person
[3] Follow the rules on the 'Request Here' Page
Alright. That's it for now! I will start doing the requests when I get them. For now, I will play some video games lol

Fanfiction《《《N O MORE REQUESTS 》》》 Hetalia one-shots. Pretty self-explanatory. I apologize for all my mistakes as a young writer, and now as a matured writer, I apologize for lack of updates.