Crack Nordic 5 x OC Part 2

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Continuation of "Crack Nordic 5 x OC"

Jamie's POV

I awoke with weird noises filling the air. My eyes slowly flutter open as my tired, yet sparkling eyes met with a blinding light- ok, it was a pair of glasses reflecting off of something. I squinted my eyes painfully and saw that I was kidnapped, lying on a hard surface. I gasped--

I was kidnapped by the Nordics.

I let out a shrill shriek, sending Sweden's cheeks flopping. Yes, I knew it was Sweden. Anywobbles, I did my best at a noodle dance in a horizontal position. I was tied up in ropes just so you know. Sweden, or Su-san, laughed at how silly I was.

I froze.

Sweden? Laughing? HOW?!

"What the FrUk just happened here?" I said outloud. I stuck out my tongue, because I was bored. He poked my tongue. I, again, shrieked in nonsense, but then again, I think I should've kept my mouth shut because a VERY pissed Finland barged through the door with a bloody bat in his hands!

"Gosh diddly darn why isn't this SuFin-cient for my health? ALL THE SHIPS ALL THE HOMO COME ROUND AND ROUND AND ROUND-" I was rudely interrupted.

"SHUT UP!" Both nations yelled angrily. Welp, they are missing out on my singing session. TOO BAD HAHA! Oh. They got angry.

"Ay, Buttercup." A new voice was heard, but being the Hetalia fangirl I was, I knew exactly what that voice belonged to- and it's none other than Mr. Wobbles. Yes, I named Icey's bird that because I could never take anything serious in my entire life.

I giggled rather nonchalantly giving me stares from now three handsome nations. I stuck my tongue out at them and began to continue my noodle dance.

I then stopped and looked at Finland who was giving me a disgusted stare.

"AY FINNY- WHAT HAPPENED TO MY PIZZA YOU BOLOGNA PUFF POOFER?" I pouted, showing that I was clearly pissed off that I didn't get any food. Seriously, my stomach is rumbling that it feels like earthquakes whenever it erupts.

Whatever Finland said next was WAY too fast for me to understand that it sounded like he said 'Why don't I just kiss her?'

But unfortunately, Su-san's response was WAY TOO FAR OFF of my own expectations.

"Calm down, Chuba Chuba. You can go chop wood later, but now just focus on what we are going to do with her." I began to laugh hard. Out loud- that I snorted real hard I choked.

"That *cough* *cough* -- never mind.. *cough*" I ended my coughing fit and they ended up staring at me.

I sighed and decided that to kill them all (okay, not kill, but more like make them faint so I can continue my escape), so I screamed loudly. It was high pitched and very, very, VERY girly.

And guess what? They all fainted and the ropes were cut loose! I jumped up and down and began to yawn.

"Eh, why not? I'm tired as crap here.." I mumbled and laid beside all the countries and fell asleep, snoring.


Okayyyy that's it! :D I'm glad I finished this! Anyway, the requests will be written after this. They will take a while to write since I have things to get to first.

But-- I want to thank you for supporting me, for liking what I write, for saying how amazing I am.

I don't deserve your love D: but thank you again. ;w; I love you guys so much!!

See you on the next update! :D

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