She's Gone?

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Chapter 2:


"Jai let's go see if Jessica is back from her jog" I spoke to him walking into his room.

"Already ahead of you buddy" he said laughing and I did too.

"Guys we'll be back in a little bit" we both yelled making our voice go through the whole house. I grabbed my keys and Jai grabbed his. We got out the door and walked up our drive way.

"Beat you to her house" I hit Jai's chest and started running. She's our neighbor we've been basically family since we were 4 years old, our family knows each other but us guys decided to move closer to Jessica since we are all super close now.

Jessica still lives with her parents and her brother. Jai and I are 18 while Jessica is 17 she's like our little wittle sister. We always watch out for her. Always annoying her. Always having fun even if its us 6 we are always having fun.

"Hey mom" I said as I entered the house before Jai.

"Hey Luke how are you sweetie where's Ja-?" Jai burst through the door scaring Jessica's mom.

"Jai sweetie are you okay?"

"Yeah just peachy." I started laughing as he held up an okay sign with his hand.

"So is Jessica here?" I asked.

"No but she should be back any minute" we nodded.

"I'm gonna go play with baby Kyle." I spoke she nodded. we walked over to the living room and saw a little 5 year old sitting on the couch laughing at Mickey Mouse.

"LUKEY!! JAY!!" He got off the couch and ran towards Jai first.

"That's not fair" I crossed my arms and hid my face pretending to cry.

"I'm sorry Lukey" he hugged me and gave me a kiss on my forehead. I smiled at his cuteness. I looked up and started tickling him.

"JAY HELP ME PLEASE!!" Jai came next to me. I looked at him and nodded. We are usually on the same team. But he blindsided me this time. He started tickling me. Kyle got off the ground, stood up, pushed Jai off and jumped on me.

"Fine fine you win Kyle." I smiled he smacked my chest and started hitting his hands how Tarzan would.

"I win you lost" he got off of my stomach and did a happy dance.

"Luke, Jai I'll be back in a little please look after Kyle for a while." Mrs.Royce spoke.

"Sure thing" we said at the same time.

"You know the drill if something happens you know what to do and where to go." She said and us 3 nodded. And she left.

You see Jessica's parents and my parents are secret agents. And their job is to find any kinds of gangs then get rid of them. Swipe them away. They are trying to end violence and drug acts for the future of our nation which is kids like Jessica and Kyle's age. Minors. They want to put a straight foot on it. But they've been getting off track lately causing them to let more drugs and violence come to the U.S. They are looking for one specific gang at the moment.

There's about 20 gangs around us. We live in California. There's about 400 gangs left and about 50 other gangs have been swiped. Right now they are currently working on trying to capture the Red Devils. We still don't know why they named themselves that but all we know is that they work with the police. And that's hard on our part. Our job as their kids is to one day follow their foot steps.

Since the police is on their side we need to swipe them on our own. They are one of the most toughest, strongest, intelligent hardworking people ever. But with all those characteristics they are a strong gang. They aren't the type of gang where they rob people like some gangs.
But they do stuff illegal. Just because the police is on their side doesn't mean they aren't wanted. They are wanted by us. It's just making it a hard task on us.

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