Living without her

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Chapter 39:

"Mommy?" Kyle said as he walked up to me late at night.

"Yes son" I whispered. I picked him up and sat him next to the sink.

"Why didn't you yell me Jessie died?" he whimpered.

"Sweetie who said she was dead?" i questioned.

"I heard Jay and Luke say so they said 'what if she died man'" Kyle spoke. I looked at him then looked at my phone. I frowned at his response.

I picked up my phone looking for one of the Brooks brothers phone number.

As I reach Luke's number I dialed it and soon 3 rings came. I looked at the time 3am its not the average time your kid wakes up to say your daughter is dead... That's such a frightening feeling.

"Hey Luke get your brother and get your butts over here right now!" i demanded.

"Its so early though" the Australian voice was very noticeable.

"Oh well early bird gets the worm see you in 5 minutes." I demanded. I heard him groan before hanging up and frowning at Kyle.

"Do you know who said that?"i asked him.

"No mommy they sound the same" he shook his head.

"Well Luke and Jai should be here any minute or else we're gonna go to their house and wake them up deal?"

"Deal" he smiled

"Kyle Jessie isn't dead know that she's really safe." I said as I knew the strongest gang out there has my Jessica. Kyle is too young to know about it so we just say it in baby words.

"Mommy its almost been a year without Jessie its too much... Are you sure she's safe?" I looked at my kid and wondered. I've never seen my eldest son either I don't know if he's safe. I don't know if he's dead. This only makes me want to cry even more. But then again my eldest have been gone for much longer than Jessica.

"Mommy what's wrong?"

I looked at the little kid in front of me and just smiled. "Nothing bunny" soon A lot of fiddling came in the house.

"Damn it Daniel" one of the twins said.

"BOYS LANGUAGE" I yelled out.

"Sorry" They spoke.

Soon i was met with 5 Australian guys in front of me 2 of them attached by the lips...?

"What the hell did you guys do" I said as I covered Kyle's little ears.

"We were doing a challenge and you know when it comes to challenges with us" They laughed a little.

"Why did you make us wake up so damn early?" Beau muttered which caused kyle to laugh.

"The early bird gets the worm" he laughed to himself soon we all did.

"Well I only asked luke to bring his brother Jai" I said as I counted 3 more.

"In my defense i didn't know which brother so i brought beau and jai aand jai brought Daniel and then Daniel brought James...? why are you guys here"

"Daniel told me to wake up because we had a meeting so I got up" he said as he yawned.

"Why the hell would we make a meeting at 3 in the morning How the hell did Daniel tell you?!"

"Who knows dude I don't know who it was it could have been anyone who told me. Either way I wanna see Kyle." He went to Kyle and held him.

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