I Saw Her

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Chapter 8


"Okay um you can have your money I need to talk to Jess." I said after Cameron had blushed.

"Yeah I do too"

"Me too" Nash and some of the guys said.

"WHAT NO WHAT THE FUCK" Cameron yelled at us.

"Okay come here Jess" I ignored Cameron and just pulled her away.

"What's going on?" She questioned.

"Nothing" I simply said. I brought her to my room.

"Is this your room?" She asked sitting on my bed.

"Yes okay fir-" there was a knock on the door.

"Who is it"

"Nash and Shawn" they said. I opened the door. They walked in and sat next to her.

"What's going on guys" she said.

"Have you and Cameron had sex yet?" Her mouth flew opened. She looked shocked.

"No we haven't " she said.

"Good its illegal" She looked down blushing a bit. "It is you're 17 and he's 21"

"Have you guys kissed yet" Nash asked.


"Has he told you a story about Annie yet?" I asked.

She nodded. "Yes"

Us 3 sighed.

"What's going on guys"

"Does he moan when you guys kiss?" Shawn asked

"Uhhh yeah what does this have to do with anything?"

"The story about Annie..... Um Cameron and his friends did he mention their names?" I asked.

"No he would only say 'me and the guys'"

"Jess you have to know that Cameron now feels like he has to protect you. He feels like it's his mission too." Nash said.

"What are you saying?" She wondered.

"Cameron doesn't just moan. He moans when he really likes the girl that he's touching or is touching him. Since he told you the story about Annie he feels like he can trust you and wants you to be safe he doesn't want to lose you so he's going to try his hardest to protect you. Its been less than a week but he knows he has to protect you" Nash finished.

"Try a few days with out touching him. If he starts whining as to why you're not touching him just know" we got up but was stopped by her.

"Do you guys know the guys in his story?"

"Yeah its us"



After Johnson told me it was them I went straight to Cameron's room. Finding him on his bed jerking off.

"SHIT CAMERON!" I yelled covering my eyes.

"JESSICA!" he yelled right after.

"Can I see?" I asked.

He laughed and replied yes.

I uncover my eyes only to see him standing in front of me naked.

"Cameron" I whined as I shut my eyes.

"Can you help me?" He said.

I remembered Johnsons words try a few days without touching him. Only 3 days that's it. I wanna see if its true what he's saying. Could someone like me that fast?

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