into you

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Chapter 36:
*this chapter is done in Camerons Pov. It would just make so much more sense.*

"Ugh Jess" I groaned. As the girl kissed my neck.

"Um..." the girl stopped and I looked at her. She wasn't Jess.

"Im not Jess" she got off of me and ran to grab her clothes. I got up as well grabbing my shirt. She reached the door and looked at me.

"Uh Can i help you?!"

"You dont even moan what the hell?!" she yelled at me.

"Guess you are not a good kisser then" i winked at her and she groaned in frustration and spit at me and then slammed the door shut. Wow that's good. I just laughed. 15 tries already and I messed up by saying Jess' name. I cant get her out of my head.

I put on my pants closing the door and going back to the party. When i walked down i saw the girl and i smirked at her. She looked at me at pure disgust.

"Wow she does not like you" i heard my friend say from behind me.

"Yeah I know. Kinda messed up again" i laughed and so did he.

"Damn Cam whats the number? 5?" he asked.

"Bryant you're so funny that was number 15" i smirked.

"Damn Cameron its okay i just finished 16"

"At least you got laid" i said to him and he nodded.

"What did you do?" he asked as he gave me a beer. I've been watching out how fast i drink i decided it was best to not get drunk.

"Said Jess' name every single time" i took a drink.

"Guess you're so into her"

"I mean yeah. I dont know, something about her. Makes me come back for more."

"What do you like about her?" he urged.

"Its hard to explain. But we fight too much and she really hates me right now" i took another sip from my drink.

"Can i bang her?"

"What?! no are you crazy she's mine!"

"a little over protected i see"

"Stop don't talk about her like that anyway!" i started to get heated and i rarely do around Bryant.

"Fine im sorry man all I'm trying to say is why? Why so over protected"
I took a brief moment to let my anger control its self. Soon after i thought about his question. A lot of flash backs and moments i had with Jess all our fights. Our kisses ,we shared. Or hugs and moments.

"I-i I think I'm that much into her. I think I'm in love with her" i took a sip from my drink and looked at him for his reaction

"If you love her why are you here? You shouldn't be having sex with girls or at least trying to. If you love someone you would never give up on them" he reacted.

"Yeah behind all the love is all of our fights and hatred. I came because i wanna stop loving her i want to.... Forget about her. We are so bad together. I'm too clingy and I need to move on because if I don't right now I never would"

"Who's cares you love her. She's your first love since you know... Annie. You better get her back before someone does because Cameron I can assure you someone will come and take her away from you." I looked at him hes literally going to be there for me with every step I take. " you guys need to find out that love not the hatred"

"I put her in danger though" I whispered. Bryant groaned and looked around the room. He grabbed my shirt collar and pulled me behind the stairs. "Cameron you told me about what her dad had said. You're in charge. Who is she with, Shawn? Do you think he would be able to take care of her especially right now. Someone could be breaking into their house right now and you are over here risking everyone's life! Including mine dumbass." he smacked up my side of the head.

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