Tic Toc

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"He wants to talk to you" Cameron said to me. I looked at Sammy shocked. I don't know this man. I don't know whats going on I'm just confused Sammy never told me anything about this I just found out like 3 minutes ago that Jessica has been kidnapped, Cameron's talking to someone on the phone... Well actually more like yelling at them for Jessica back, The phone call was too much its self. I didn't know who was on the other line all I knew was my best friend was taken away and its just to get back at Cam.

I took the phone from his hand.


"Well Jazzy isnt it?" Cameron started talking to everyone in the car.

"Um yes?"

"Wow is that yelling i hear can i have you step out of the car?" Cameron was yelling. Of course he ruins everything.

"Ill be back" I said. I looked at Sammy "ill be back i promise" I kissed his lips and got off. We were in the middle of no where. I stood behind the car I'm pretty sure the guys were yelling and Sammy was looking at me. I was looking at him although the car window was tinted I could still see his beautiful face.

"Okay Jazzy I want one thing and one thing for you"

"What's that?

"Cheat on Sammy and I'll give you back Jessica" who the hell- WHO DOES HE THINK HE IS?!

"WHAT THE HELL!" I yelled. "I'm not going to do that! There must be something else" I lowered my voice.

"Owww stop it" I heard a female voice in the other side of the line.

"Jessica! Jessica!"

"Jazzy" I heard her cry. "Tell Cameron I'll miss him. Tell him I never asked for this tell him he promised please" she cried and then I heard a smack.

"Jazzy you know what to do its either her or him" I was crying at this point.

"Please something else" I cried terrified I knew the risks. If it was my own friends happiness I'll do anything. Even if it means taking my own happiness away.


"Jazzy you know what to do its either her or him" Cody said. I held on to Tyler. His dad had just smacked me across the face and I was crying. It stung so bad. I didn't think he was capable of hitting me.

"Please something else" I heard her cry. Cody took a deep breath. Of course he must have been annoyed. Who does he think he is he can't kidnap a girl and expect her best friend to be so flexible on what's going on.

"You see the car coming?" I looked up at Tyler then Cody. "Jump in front of it" I didn't hear anything from Jazzy. "Do it! You save her life and Sammy's"

"Cody what are you thinking, Stop! Jazzy stop! Oh my god stop don't do it Jazzy! Don't do it!" I yelled Jazzy has a much better chance than me at life. She has someone that is invested in her. SHe can't throw herself for me. I started crying. Please don't


"Its okay guys I know where we are the gun case is half a mile away by the woods turning left" Cameron said. "Everything else we need is there remember we have 3 cars over there too" he finished.

"Guys be quiet Im focusing on Jazzy" I spoke. I saw her look off to space then saw a car coming. She looked at me and mumbled I love you. I looked at her weirdly. Soon I saw her running and before I realized what was happening she was on the ground.

"JASMINE!" I yelled. I ran off of the car and ran to her. She was still breathing I can hear her.

"CAMERON!!" I yelled for him.

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