Is It Too Late Now To Say Sorry?

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Chapter 6:


"I'll be right back" he said and left. I decided to leave the bags there and decided to look around. Thinking was my demon. I hated being in my own thoughts especially when my thoughts involved him.

There was a big king size bed in the middle of the room and a huge screen TV in front of the bed. There was a big walk in-closet that had a bunch of his clothes. He had different clothes, different shoes; mostly vans. He had different kinds of cologne. I got out of his closet and looked somewhere else.

I got to the bed and sat on it. I sighed. I guess I shouldn't have been too rough on him. He does sound a little upset.

Or he's just messing with you stupid so you can forgive him easily.

He sounds sorry..

I hear footsteps coming down the stairs. Act normal!

What the fuck? I said to myself in my thoughts.

I turn my attention towards the stairs and see Cameron bringing a glass of water.

"Its 5 in the morning I think we should sleep. I'll sleep on the couch" I told Cameron.

"Here, I brought you this water" he handed me the glass.

"Thank you" I whispered. "Do you uh- have an extra blanket?"

"Yeah here" he handed me a long blue blanket.

"Thanks" I turned around and walked towards the couch.

"Jess" he spoke. I stopped in my tracks and turned around staring at him. "Can we talk about it?" He finished. I looked at him. He was basically pleading. I don't want too though. I huffed in defeat.

I dropped the blanket on the couch and walked over to him nodding. I sat across from him.

"I'm just gonna sit here and listen to you." I said crossing my arms.

"Okay well" he seemed nervous. Cameron Dallas nervous from what I've heard/learned about him he doesn't seem the one to get nervous about something."Fuck it. I know I got too feisty over you I didn't mean to do it. I heard multiple times you say Cameron you're hurting me I should have stopped but I didn't- I didn't want to. I wanted to keep going I wanted you." I couldn't help but blush a little by the 3 words that left his lips. He wanted me.... But he hurt me.

"Why didn't you stop then?" Oops wasn't suppose to talk. But I have the right to ask.

He shook his head.

"If I tell you. You would be scared of me." I looked at him. I'm already scared of him.

"You can trust me Cameron I swear" I said preparing myself from what could possibly escape his mouth.

"No I can't trust you! I don't even know you" he all of a sudden yelled at me. Where did that come from.

"Wow didn't expect that to come out" I spoke standing up. I felt a hand wrap around my wrist.

"Don't leave please" he said. One minute he yells at me the next he wants me to stay with him?

"Please Cameron let's get to know each other then. I'll tell you where I came from and you can tell me where you came from" he looked at me. "I'll go first"

"Okay well... I'm Jessica Royce. I'm 17 years old. I have a little brother his name is Kyle and he's 5 years old. Growing up I only had 2 friends their names are Luke and Jai. Them and I have been friends since we were little. I'm a dancer and try my best to stay in shape to stay healthy. Because I'm basically a healthy freak but when it comes to periods I'm a freak and want anything. Um- I work at helping kids dance since I'm a dancer every Wednesday and Friday I go to the dance studio and I teach 4-6 year old girls and boys. Sometimes Kyle would come along with me and then we would go to McDonalds and laugh. I would take him to the movies after every Friday dance time. But only sometimes. I'm a straight A student and I won't say that I'm popular but I know a lot of people and they know me." I finished. "Do you want to know anything else?" I asked. I left the thought of my parents out because I'm scared what he might think of me and them so I didn't mention them.

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