It Was Nice Seeing You Again, Jess

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Chapter 11: Cody^^

"Cody" Cameron clenched his jaw. Shaking his hand.

"Crew" Cody waved to the guys. "And you must be..." I looked at Cameron and he nodded knowing that I didn't want to speak.

"Jessica" he grabbed my hand and kissed it. I gave him a small fake smile then looked at Cameron and he was looking at him. He looked so hot while angry but not when he's mad at me.

Cody didn't seem bad at all but I guess looks are nothing.

"Jessica I would like to get to know you better" he grabbed my wrist but Cameron held me back.

"What do you think you're doing"

"Cameron let go of her" Cody said to him. The men both grew tense right above me.

"No I don't think so"

"Vin! Juan! Charlie! Sebastian! Jorge! Nick! Ben! Jordan" He yelled. Soon 8 big guys came to view.

"Escort these gentlemen to the v.i.p lounge. Jordan get me the girl bring her upstairs" he demanded. Soon, Cody was gone.

"Cameron don't leave me!" I started panicking. Soon a large hand grabbed his shoulder and a big arm wrapped around my waist.

"CAMERON!" I was freaking out. I don't know what's going on but i don't like it.

"Jessica its okay just listen to him" he was worried I can tell. I was holding on to Cameron's arms while 2 men were pulling him back.

Cameron you literally promised 5 billion times you wouldn't leave me!

"Cameron don't let them!" I yelled. I was crying at this point I was scared. I looked him in his eyes and mouthed 'don't leave me'

'just trust him Jess' he mouthed.

'I hate you' i mouthed and he knew what i had said. They took one last yank and he was off.

"You promised!" I yelled one last time as they took us apart. I was crying really hard. I hate this I didn't choose this. Why me.

"Let me go" I started wiggling around trying to get out of his grasp.

"Fine" he grabbed on to my arm and pulled me to a huge room.

"Jessica you made it" Cody said clapping his hands as i entered the room.

"Put her on the chair" Jordan threw me on the chair. I looked at him in disgust but something caught me off guard.

He looks familiar.

Cody sat across from me his knees close to mine.

"How are you" he asked.

"I'm fine" I said. Whipping my tears away.

"Awwe loosen up baby" he sat next to me and started rubbing on my hand up and down. I was scared. Why did Cameron leave me.

Soon I felt lips on my shoulder.

"Are you better" he asked.

"Uhh- I don't know" both of his hands were wrapped around my body. Why is grabbing on to me? I don't like this one bit.


'I hate you' she mouthed. When they yanked us apart she yelled " you promised".

I feel bad. I feel guilty. I did promise. I can't believe I let them take her. I hope he's not doing anything to her. We were currently eating some food.

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