Chapter Two

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Alexis's POV
Thirteen years. That's how long Madame K. lied to me about my mum, and about who, sorry, what I am. I'm an alien called a Time Lord. Or, technically, in my case I'm a Time Lady. I know, it's confusing. But that does explain why I could do logarithms at age ten. Basically, I just about top every child prodigy in the universe. That also explains why instead of dying, I regenerate, and why instead of one heart, I have two. So, yeah. I'm pretty much a living miracle, because if one heart stops, I don't die 'cause I got two of them. Everything that Madame K. told me that I thought were just bedtime stories were all true. That, I didn't expect I think you'd also like to know why my mummy said that my mum was in London in the future. I'll start at the beginning. My mum is Rose Marion Tyler. She travelled with a man called the Doctor for a couple years. At one point, she got pulled into a parallel universe, and could never see the Doctor again, because if he tried to take the Tardis into that universe, the whole of reality would be ripped apart. Somehow, she helped build a device called a dimension cannon that propelled her to close to the Doctor, and she was able to see him one last time. My mum and dad knew each other for two months before they got married, and I was what they call a honeymoon baby. Technically, my dad is a clone of the Doctor, so we're guessing that's how I got my Time Lord DNA. Pop ahead eight months. Mum and dad just decided to call me Alexis, and now the cybermen are invading. Their cyber controller was destroyed, and apparently my dad was 'compatible'. By the time mum found him, the transformation was too far gone for them to be able to do anything, and they figured that out pretty quickly after mum found him. He took her to the room where the dimension gate that Torchwood had built was. He told mum that he could hold the gate open so that she could get through, and then he'd destroy the gate and the plans for the gate. Mum begged him to come with her, saying that she knew what it was like to grow up without her dad, had she didn't want me to have to experience that. Dad hugged her, and then told her to tell me about him. He told her to tell me why he died. That he died so that we could live. He also told her to tell me that no matter what, he would always love me. She promised, and then he opened the gate, and she ran through, crying. That's how she ended up on Demon's Run, ten years before the earlier Madame K. arrived. Madame K. tricked mum into trusting her, and when I was two months old, she sent mum to London, two years after Davros tried to move all the planet's around, and I got sent to past New York, and Madame K. visited me every once in a while, and told me stories about my past, which I thought were just stories. Madame K's. real name is Madame Kovarian, and she was thought to have died in a parallel reality where everything was happening all at once. There's so much I have to tell you, but I think I'm waking up. Everything is spinning, and I can hear voices again.

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