Chapter Seven

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Clara's POV
I blushed, smiling. Jack had, in fact, expressed that he did like me, and then, the door opened. Jenny and Alexis walked in, and the Doctor and Rose turned to look at them. Rose caught her breath, nearly crying, and then she flew towards her, and they crushed each other in a hug. They were both crying, and I smiled. This was the mother and her daughter that had been separated for thirteen years, and they had the unique opportunity to be reunited with one another. They came over, sitting down beside each other, and Jenny sat on the other side of Alexis, and the Doctor reluctantly sat beside Jack. Alexis related to us the last thirteen years, or, what she could remember of them. When she finished, the Doctor punched a cabinet, breaking the dishes that were in there. Rose glared at him, and he sat back down, blushing beet red. Alexis chuckled, snatching his chips off the plate sitting in front of him.

"Oi! Those are mine! Give back! Now!" She bit the ends off each of them, offering them to him.
"Here you go." He raised his eyebrows, and then blinked.
"Um....You can have them. I'm not hungry all of the sudden. I'm more in the mood for-" Rose cut him off.
"Bananas. Am I right?" He beamed at her, dashing out if the room and returning with a bunch, but there was an angry monkey following him.
"Hey! These are my bananas! I own this ship, you're just along for the ride! Scram! Now!" The monkey screeched at him, leaving, and we all burst out laughing.
"You really just did that, didn't you?" Alexis asked, nearly doubled over, and she fell out if the chair.
"I'm okay!" She said, popping back up. Then, Jack's mobile rang. He looked at the number, pumped his fist, mouthing "Yes!" And answered.

"Hello? Yes? Yes! How're you? Not bad. No. In the Tardis. Well yes, he's here. Along with me...well yes, I'm just trying to not forget anyone! Okay. Umm...He's here, along with me, my girlfriend Clara, Doctor's daughter, Jenny, Rose, and her daughter, Alexis. Yeah. Well.....maybe. I can ask. Hang on." He turned to the Doctor, putting his hand over the phone.
"Sarah Jane wants us to stop by for a couple hours. She said she wants to meet Clara, Jenny, and Alexis. Could we?" Everyone turned to the Doctor, who grinned.
"Why not? We could use a bit of a vacation, if she doesn't mind us around for a couple days." Everyone else grinned, cheered, and ran to rooms to gather belongings. Jack relayed the message to Sarah Jane, who said we could be there in a half-hour. I went to my room, gathering clothes and other toiletries for our stay. Five minutes later, Jack knocked, poking his head in.

"Ready? We're here" I smiled, grabbing my bag and giving him a quick peck on the lips. He blushed, taking the bag from me, and taking my hand. As we headed out, I couldn't think of how things could be any better.

Alexis's POV
As we headed out, I clung to Mum's hand. I had missed thirteen years of this- I didn't want to miss another moment. Mum knocked, and a teenage boy answered, letting us in.

"Be right back. Mum's in the attic. I'll go get her." He jogged up the stairs.
"Mum! Mum! They're here!" I looked around. It was a neat house. A couple minutes later, a brown haired woman came down the stairs, and the boy followed suit. She and mum hugged, laughing, and she hugged the Doctor and Jack as well.

"Rose! How have things been?" Mum shrugged.
"Little rough. But all in all, I'm happy." She smiled.
"Well, I don't know three of you, and you most likely don't know me. I know Jack's the only one who knows Luke....Oh, where did that boy go? Oh well." The Doctor laughed.
"You know boys. Well, this is my daughter, Jenny. Long story." Jenny smiled, shaking her hand.
"And you can probably guess which one Clara is..." We all laughed at the two sitting on the loveseat.
"And this is my girl, Alexis." Mum said, putting an arm around my shoulder. She smiled at me.
"Well, it's lovely to meet you. I'm Sarah Jane Smith. We have our own little alien prevention right here. And we have tea and biscuits ready. I'll be right back." She went in the other room, and Luke came back in, eating something. Then she came back, carrying the cream and teapot.

"Luke, can you get five cups and the sugar?" He nodded, leaning up against the wall. A few seconds later, five teacups, a sugar bowl, and the spoon flew in, nearly hitting Sarah Jane, but they landed neatly on the table. She gave him a look.

"I meant walk in there and pick them up with your hands!" He swallowed, heading for the stairs.
"But that's faster!" She groaned.
"Next time, just do it, okay? Can you show Alexis and Jenny the attic?" He grinned, and we looked at the Doctor, who nodded.
"No blowing the house up yet!" He called as we ran up after him. He opened a door, and there was a large room, with a bed, desk, and a fireplace. I turned around, looking at the room.

"This is kinda nice. Bit odd to have a fireplace in the attic, don't you think?" I asked, looking at Luke.
He grinned at me.
"How did you know?" I grinned back.
"I'm....unusual. More like not quite human." He grinned.
"Mr. Smith! Your presence is requested! Open up!" He nodded to the fireplace, which began to unfold, revealing what looked like a giant supercomputer. I raised my eyebrows.
"Nice. Last of its kind?" He gaped at me.
"How did you-" I laughed gently.
"Time Lord." His eyes widened.
"No! Are you serious?!" I chuckled.
"No. Sirius is a character from the Harry Potter books. He's Harry's godfather. And no, I am not Harry Potter's godfather." Jenny snorted, and the computer spoke up.
"Master Luke, I have completed my preliminary scan of our visitors. Both young ladies here in the attic are, in fact, teenaged Time Lords." Luke blinked, looking from me to Jenny and back again.
"Okay. Well, can't say much. I'm not quite human myself. You saw that I have telekinesis." I shrugged.
"Yep. You any good at chess or checkers?" He grinned pulling out a board and pieces. For the next coupe hours, the three of us played game after game of chess and checkers, even coming up with new ways to play when we got bored. Then, we went down for dinner, and Sarah Jane and mum gave us the news.

"Alexis, I- I need to tell you something." I looked up at mum, confused.
"I decided that it would be better if you stay here with Sarah Jane and Luke, and I come visit on the weekends. I would like for you to be in school, so you can do that, and you'll still get some experience with fighting aliens." I nodded, stealing one of Jenny's chips. I munched on it, thinking. That sounded alright with me.
"If I do stay here, I'd call you every night though. Is that okay?" She nodded, smiling. We finished dinner pretty quickly, and the Doctor took me out to the Tardis for a couple minutes.
"Here you go." He said, handing me a Tardis blue laptop.
"Its got a video chat type thing that's connected to the Tardis. So, whenever your mum's in the Tardis, this little light here blinks on and off. Much better that a phone, and it's got universal roaming. Anywhere, anytime, you can connect so long as your mum and I are in the Tardis." He knelt so that he could look me in the eyes.
"We just said you'd be going to school since that was in front of everyone. I did an IQ test before we arrived, and you could pass your exams to get into Oxford right now. Luke will know, and he does like you. He acts like you're a sister." I smiled, hugging him. I think I can survive living with Sarah Jane, Luke, and K-9.

*Time Skip*

I stared at my laptop in shock. I had been tracing a rouge signal, and it led to this. I'd been living with Sarah Jane and Luke for two months now, and I was enjoying it there. But this, this was so not okay. It was lab work and research that had to do with Time Lord DNA. I would have to keep a close eye in that, otherwise this could spiral badly out of control. I'd also made the decision to keep this a secret. No one could know, just to keep them safe. I set an alarm that would let me know when there was an update to the work, and I headed down for lunch. Luke would be home in two hours, and then, we had work to do.

Author's note- Hello whovian marshmallows! Nobody got it right this time, and the answer was Sally Sparrow. Next one is....What was the Master's name when he was pretending to be human? Beware....New villains next chapter......Love you guys! And I guess the readers I think lost blinked in the last chapter..... :( oh dear. ;) pls vote and comment!
Keep Calm. I'm The Doctor. - Christianwhovian

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