Chapter Twelve

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Alexis's POV
I felt like puking. And don't you say that's gross, because you would if all your blood had been drained from your body, you hadn't had a thing to eat for three days, you had been conscious the whole time, and now your blood was being returned to your body. Not at all fun. I felt a hand gently rubbing my own, and forced my eyes open. Luke sat there, almost asleep, but he was rubbing my hand with his thumb. I smiled weakly, opening my mouth.

"Luke." His head jerked up, and he looked at a large container beside my bed.
"Alexis.'re alright! He said you might die." I saw the fear on his face, and smiled again.
"Not yet. I kinda like it here, don't you?" He smiled, taking my hands into his and sliding into the edge of the bed.
"You okay with this?" I raised an eyebrow, struggling to sit up.
"Are you talking" His eyes widened, and he shook his head vigorously.
"No. This." He leaned over, gently cupping my cheek in his hand, and he kissed me. I was turning fifteen tomorrow, and this was my first kiss. I sighed, and we pulled away.

"Well...I guess I'm okay with that. Just don't go breaking my heart, or you're gonna get it." He helped me slide out of the bed, smiling.
"Deal. You wanna go scare the pants off everyone, love?" I looked at him.
"Love?" He blushed.
"Sorry." I kissed him on the cheek.
"It's sweet, but not yet. I just woke up from being nearly killed. And I don't really want to see my mum or the Doctor with no pants on." We laughed, heading down the stairs. There was no one there except for the Doctor, who grinned at the sight of me.

"Ah! Blimey! Alexis! Well, thanks for proving me wrong in this matter. Now, I have a question for you." He stopped, and took a deep breath.
"MayIhaveyourpermissiontomarryyourmother?" I stared at him.
"Umm...could you repeat that? But a wee bit slower this time?" He nodded, taking another breath.
"Alexis, may I have your permission to marry your mum? When I knew her before, well, I never told her I loved her. Then the next time, my clone- er, your dad, told her. And now, I'd like a chance to do this. May I?" I smiled broadly.
"Of course. Is Jenny okay with this?" Another voice popped in.
"Jenny's the one who told him to stop moping and just do it! If course I'm okay with it!" She grinned and hugged me. I could feel the energy flowing through my body, and my strength returning. About an hour later, mum, Clara, and Sarah Jane returned from Clara's dress shopping. Jack had proposed to her, and she had gladly accepted. The Doctor was waiting, and he and mum went to the backyard, while Sarah Jane and Clara came to where we were, upstairs watching. He and mum sat down at a small table, and started talking.

"Doctor, I didn't realize how much I missed being here. And I missed you more than words can say." He smiled, taking her hand.
"And I, Rose Tyler, I never forget about you. Sure, new people traveled with me, but I never forgot about you. You know, I never truly said it myself." She looked a bit confused.
"Said what yourself?" He smiled, going and kneeling right in front of her.
"Rose Tyler, in Bad Wolf Bay the second time, you asked what I was going to say the first time. I never got to really say it, Rose Tyler, but......I love you. And I have a question." He picked up a tiny Tardis blue box from his pocket. Surprisingly, it was the first thing to come out.
"Rose Tyler," He said, opening the box.
"Rose, I have loved you for quite some time. I never was able to say it, and now, I don't want to miss an opportunity. And I would like to have many more chances to grab your hand and whisper run. So, Rose Tyler, will you do me the honour of becoming my wife? Will you marry me?" I held my breath, and Luke squeezed my hand a tiny bit tighter. Then, mum nearly burst into tears.

"I was wondering when you were going to ask! Yes! A thousand times over, yes, yes, yes!" He stood, slipping the ring on her finger and kissing her. After a minute or so, Luke got bored. He used his telekinesis to bring the hose up, and it was just barely long enough. He turned it on, and handed it to me. I took it, grinned, and sprayed them. Mum shrieked, and she and the Doctor looked up at us. Then, they started laughing with us. Jack was standing nearby, doubled over with laughter, so I sprayed him as well. Everyone was laughing and smiling, and for now, all was well.

Author's note- Hello! Sorry it took me so long to get this up. Answer to last question is.....Dalek and Oswin! Picture up top is a really cool pic of Ten and Rose.  If you like Doctor Who ;) go follow ellainthetardis if you're not already. She has a full Doctor Who series. Next question! Who are the Doctor's in-laws, and who is David Tennant's father-in-law? Hint- he played another Doctor. Love you guys! :) - Craver_Priceless

Rory- You can help her, right?
Doctor- If I had the time.
Rory- The time?!?!
Doctor- The whole of creation is being wiped from existence! Do you know how many lives never happened?! And your girlfriend is the most important thing in the world.
*Rory grabs the Doctor's shoulder, turns him, and punches him in the face.*
Rory- SHE IS TO ME!!!!

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