Chapter Ten

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Gracey's POV
I sat in my bedroom, my hair in a ponytail. I was wearing jean shorts, a mint green tank, and a white infinity scarf, and I had a silver anchor necklace that Robbie, my boyfriend, had given me for my birthday. Dad surprisingly had allowed us to date, but he did know what I'd do if Robbie hurt me. I pulled up the footage of Alexis's cell, and I caught my breath. She had remained conscious for two days straight, tolerating every moment of the excruciating pain that the process provided. Why? I put my white converse on, and headed there. As I arrived, I noticed the place was almost deserted. I swung open the door to her cell, she opened one eye, looked at me, and then closed it again.

"Don't. I know you haven't given up. You've been conscious and awake for two days straight. Why? Why haven't you given up yet?" She opened her eyes and turned her head toward me.
"Because I know them. They'll come. You have something you're hiding. Something that you're afraid of. You're afraid of my friends. Why?" I shifted uncomfortably from one foot to the other.
"Why do you think I'm afraid of them? Because I'm not. Aren't you afraid of us? Because we have you right where we want you. And yet, you show no signs of fear whatsoever. Why?" She smiled weakly.
"You'll see. To die would be an awfully big adventure." I leaned over her, and she didn't even flinch.
"Yes. You're going to die, and there'll be no one around to help you. You're going to die alone." I slapped her, and headed back out, furious. Who did she think she was?! I went back to Earth, went to my room, and I collapsed on the bed. Was she right? Was there something I was hiding, even from myself? I looked around. I had everything. A father who loved me, this room, everything in it, and command over an alien army. But why did I feel so empty? I looked at the calendar. There was a dinner in about an hour, and it was to celebrate my father's return to the upper class society after reforming, and his campaign for Prime Minister again. It was mostly a private affair, and it was black tie. I picked out a dress for the dinner, since I went to these things with him. It was a teal satin floor length dress, that had spaghetti straps, and it was a mermaid style fit and flare. I had a white velour shawl, white flats, and a lavender clutch. I also wore the necklace daddy had given me, with the lavender rose. I sat down, and I put my makeup on. As soon as I was done, I heard a knock on the door.

"Gracey? Are you there?" My dad. I opened the door, and as expected, he was in a suit, and he smiled when he saw me.
"Beautiful, as always, my darling. Are you ready?" I smiled, placing my hand in his outstretched hand.
"Yes, I am. Shall we be off?" We went down to the door, and he helped me into the car. A few minutes later, we arrived, and I saw Robbie there. I pointed him out to daddy, and he nodded, so I went over.

"Hello, stranger." He looked at me and smiled.
"Well, hello. I'm not surprised to see you here. I do have a bit of news for you, seeing as how you know aliens." I smiled.
"Yes, I do. What's the news?" He nearly grinned.
"Now, you have to promise not to tell anybody, not even your dad. I'm allowed to tell you for one reason." He led me out to a balcony, and closed the doors behind us.
"Can you promise not to tell anyone?" I nodded, taking his hand.
"Yes. What's the big, secret news?" He smiled.
"I've accepted a new job as a consultant for the Torchwood Institute." I laughed, and we spun around for a minute.
"That's wonderful! But, why can you tell me?" He gave me the goofy grin that made me fall in love with him the first time I saw it.
"Because I have two questions to ask you. Gracey, I have to know something. Do you love me? Would you be willing to spend the rest of your life with me?" I smiled, and a warm, tingly feeling filled my whole body.
"Yes. Yes I do, and yes I would." He smiled broadly.
"Well then. Gracey, I have another question. Gracey, I've said it before and I'll say it again. I love you, and you're probably the only girl I'll ever love. So, on that note." He got down on one knee, and opened a small velvet box, revealing a ring with one heart shaped diamond.
"So, Gracey Hannah Saxon, will you marry me? Will you be my wife?" I gasped, nearly crying.
"Yes! Yes, yes yes!" He stood, slipping the ring on my finger, and he leaned forward. I smiled sneakily, wrapped my arms around his neck, and kissed him. He placed his hands on my waist, and pulled me a little closer, still kissing me. We pulled away, and he gave me a sly look. That was what most people would qualify as snogging. We went back in, and after about an hour and a half, dad came up to me.

"Beautiful ring." I smiled, kissing his cheek.
"Gracey, Kovarian sent me a message. She said everything is going as planned." I nodded, a sick feeling in my stomach. What was I doing? After the dinner, Robbie and I kissed, okay, snogged again, and we left. When we got back, I took my makeup, dress, and shoes off, and headed to give Alexis the next dose of the serum. When I got on there though, she was gone, and so was her blood. Kovarian was knocked out on the floor. I screamed, and within minutes, dad was there, and he was furious. I was breathing heavily, and he rubbed my shoulders, and spoke softly. He said I could go ahead and head on back. I reached my room, and threw on pajama pants and a t-shirt that said 'I don't sweat; I sparkle!' As I crawled into bed, I thought about Alexis. I was glad she was able to escape, but I was scared. What was he going to do now that he didn't have her. As I drifted off to sleep, I curled up, and pretty much forgot about everything but the fact that I was getting married.

Author's note- Hello Whovian Marshmallows! The correct answer for the last chapter goes to messenger237, with Daleks. This time....who was the creator of the daleks, and what did he name their home planet? Love you guys! Please vote and comment!! :)

"Go on. Tell me I'm wrong, because I am really, really scared right now." She says nothing.
"Great. The one time you can't manage it." - Rory Williams, in Angels Take Manhatten. - in video clip up top.

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