Chapter Eight

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Gracey's POV
I closed my book, smoothing the skirt of my mint green dress, and staring out the window of my room in my father's penthouse. He went by Harold Saxon, a man who had thought to be dead, but was changing his life, and he had gone into hiding to do that, so that he would not be physically or verbally threatened, and so far, everyone had bought the act. And, of course, I knew who I was. A Time Lord. I had just turned nineteen, and for the last thirteen years, I had been helping my father, the Master, conduct his research. We were formulating a plan to kill the Doctor, and finally take the galaxy. Ever since I had sworn my loyalty to him and only him, I had even more so been the apple of his eye. I had been 'created' in the same manner as one of the Doctor's daughters, Jenny, from a small bit of DNA, so I was very nearly purely Time Lord. I flipped my brown hair over my shoulder, setting my book on the shelf as I headed for the laboratory gate. It was, in fact, a roughly conjured time machine. It worked wonderfully, but didn't draw unnecessary attention. I stepped in, punching in the coordinates for Demon's Run, five years after my father had it rebuilt for his purpose. I stepped out, and one of the monks bowed to me as I went past. We had the Monks, Slitheen, Toclafane, some Sontarans, and some plastic men working for us. When I say us, I mean my father, me, and our 'assossiate', Madame Kovarian, who my father got along with splendidly, and for once, it was a true alliance. I entered the lab, and my father smiled at me as I entered.

"Gracey. Rest well?" I smiled back, kissing him on the cheek.
"Wonderfully. Have the 'braniacs' come up with anything new?" He snorted.
"Far from it. They're going on and on in circles. They think the answer has something to do with splicing this molecule, and this molecule, and then mixing the two." I groaned, sliding into the chair.
"No, but they are, sadly, somewhat close. Of we splice those two, and then these two, and mix all four...." My voice trailed off as I scribbled the figures down, checking and double checking the answers. I laughed out loud.
"That's it! We've found it! The right combination! If we mix those four molecules, then we'll have the right combination for it to be deadly enough to even kill a Time Lord! We've done it!" He grinned, and we hugged, laughing. It was time. I'd known for the last six months that Alexis had been trailing the research, but it didn't matter anymore. We'd done it, and nothing could stop us now.

Alexis's POV
I woke up to the alarm on my laptop beeping, like it normally did when there was an update to the Master's research. I stared in shock, hardly unable to breathe. This was not good. They'd done it. I grabbed the laptop, thundering down the stairs, not caring who I woke. Mum, the Doctor, Jenny, Clara, and Jack were here, and they needed to see it the most. They were all at the table, along with Luke and Sarah Jane. I finally looked at the clock. Shoot. One-fifteen . I was still wearing my clothes from yesterday, so I guessed I had fallen asleep as soon as I sat down. I slid the laptop over to Jenny, who gave me a curious look, and skimmed through the research. When she got to the end, she gasped, nearly hitting the computer. She turned to me with a wild look in her eyes.

"How long have you known about this?! Who's been doing it?!" I tried to calm myself, but couldn't.
"I've been monitoring the progress for about six months. I didn't think they'd get it so soon, but it was just updated less than ten minutes ago. They literally just figured it out." Mum looked at me, confused.
"Who just figured what out?" My laptop screen blinked, and I moved it to where everyone could see when a picture came up. A brown haired, brown eyed girl stared back at us, and there were two people in the background.

"That would be me. Hello, Alexis. Pleasure to finally make your acquaintance. My name is Gracey. Gracey Hannah Saxon. Please, just call me Gracey." I felt a burning pain in my chest, and knew what it was. It had happened so many times before, when I'd tried to run away from Madame.

"No." I croaked, clutching my chest, and Luke rushed over to me, catching me as I collapsed. Gracey smiled wickedly.
"Oh yes. You know that. Well, guess who's ready to see you again, huh Lexi?" And with that, I blacked out.

Jack's POV
I had no clue what just happened. One moment, Alex was on the ground, Luke was hugging her, and she was clutching her chest like it hurt, the she just disappeared. Luke stood, glaring at the screen.

"Where. Is. Alexis?" He asked, nearly growling. Gracey looked at him, and then back at someone behind her.
"Oh. She's here. Don't worry.....She's in very capable hands. Did you figure out what it is that we've been up to for the last seven months?" Jenny slid the laptop over to Luke, and he looked at it. When he finished, he nearly punched the laptop, looking terrified.
"And you're going to test this on her?!" Gracey looked truly shocked.
"No! We need her alive.....For now. My father has other plans for her." The Doctor looked confused.
"So, I'm curious. Who exactly is your father?" Another face popped up, a familiar one. This time, I nearly shot the laptop.
"Well! Hello Doctor! And hello Jack! And hello to all the rest of you annoying little humans and humanoids. Long time, no see!" The Doctor shot up, nearly sending the chair into a window.
"You. You. Were. Dead! You shouldn't even be here right now! Where is Alexis, and what have you done to her?!" The Master looked shocked, and then he laughed.
"Well, I haven't done anything yet, but I do know what I'm going to do." Jenny gasped in shock, and if looks could kill, they'd both be incinerated.
"You can't. You should know how deadly and painful that is! Why are you doing that?!" She yelled at them, nearly crying.
"My dear, I need it. And now, if you will excuse us, she is waking up. You shall hear from us again. Ta ta." The screen went blank, and Jenny closed the laptop. Luke was the first to speak.
"Wh- what are they going to do to her? And why is it so deadly?" She spoke, a look of determination and anger in her eyes.
"The most excruciating and cruel way to kill a Time Lord is to drain their blood. They can't regenerate, since the energy is in our blood, and it's an exceedingly cruel way to kill someone, even for him. That's what they're going to do. They're going to drain her of every last drop of her blood, and use it for their research. They know how to make Time Lord blood deadly to humans and Time Lords alike, so they're going to use hers. They're going to use her blood to kill all of us."

Author's note- Whoo hoo! Double update! It's a Saturday, so I can do it! Correct answer was in the chapter, if you were paying attention. Next! What was the Master's wife's name? She's the blond haired woman with him in the video. Love you guys! Vote and comment!

Daleks- "Coward? Or Killer?"
Ninth Doctor- "Coward. Always Coward."- Christianwhovian

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