Chapter Twenty One

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                    Luke's POV
It had been six months since Kovarian had been defeated, and Celia, Alexis, and I were doing pretty well. It was still a little strange for me, not being able to run like I used to. It was about two in the morning, when I heard Celia wake up again. Alexis tried to get up, but I gently pushed her back down.

     "You go back to sleep, Lexa." I whispered to her. She mumbled something, and rolled over. I chuckled, pushing myself up. I limped to her bedroom, gently picking her up.

      "Hello, beautiful. It's ok. You should go back to sleep." I whispered to her, gently rocking her.
      "Don't worry. You're not missing anything." I sat down in the rocking chair, and the next thing I knew, Alexis was gently shaking me.

      "Good morning. You two sleep well?" I looked at the clock on the wall. 8:30. I chuckled, looking down at my daughter. I handed her to her mum, and I stood. There were still days that my back was either hurting or stiff, and it was hurting this morning. I went downstairs as Lexa fed Celia, and I started breakfast. Things seemed to be going pretty well. Over the next seven years, we had three more children. Emily Victoria, William David, and Sarah Jane. Mum was tickled at the fact we named Sarah Jane after her. Things were going well for once in our lives, and we couldn't be happier. We did have some difficulty when Will learned his twin sister's name. He started calling everyone Sarah Jane since his grandmum and sister had that name. I still had problems with my limp, but Alexis and I kept going. We kept moving, and raising our family. And you know what? I wouldn't ever trade it for anything.

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