Chapter Four

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Jenny's POV
I remembered running from a dalek, and it yelled 'EXTERMINATE!' and then everything went black. I heard voices, both men, and then I heard a woman's voice.

"Jack, I don't care what happened when you found her. She's not dead. She's my daughter! She's a Time Lord!" I heard silence, and then a voice with an American accent.
"Well, then, she'll wake up soon, right?" I heard someone swearing in gallifreyan, and my heart beat a little faster, because I understood it perfectly, and I didn't like what he was saying. I tried to open my mouth, but nothing happened.
"Stupid dalek." I thought.
"Why couldn't I have blown it up?" I felt a familiar hand on mine, and my heart did cartwheels in my chest.
"Dad!" I wanted to scream, but my voice wasn't working. Then, my mouth opened, and I felt something leaving me, and dad gripped my hand a little tighter.

"There we go. That's the last of it. She'll be waking up soon." Suddenly, I opened my mouth, whispering. I fought to open my eyes. I saw him leaning over to heard better.
"What'd you say?" I opened my mouth again, and was a little louder.
"Where's that stupid dalek so I can kill it?" I felt my energy returning, and I shot straight up, nearly hitting a young lady with brown hair. I swung my legs over the bed, launching myself at my dad, who grabbed me, pulling me into a hug, and he spun with me for a minute. Ha stopped, and he put his hand on my cheek, and I saw he was crying. I realized I was crying as well.

"Jack, thank you for saving her. And now, we must be off. One, sorry, two people to find. One is going to be next to impossible, but impossible is more fun! Clara, let's go." He headed for the police box, and then turned to us.
"Jenny, why aren't you coming? Remember? All of time and space." He held his hand out to me, wiggling his fingers. I grinned, taking it. He looked at Jack.
"Oh, get in the TARDIS, you American dumbo." (No offense to you guys.) He opened the door, Jack went in, and I closed my eyes, and let dad lead me in. I opened my eyes, and it was- well, amazing doesn't cut the mustard. It's smaller on the outside, and has countless rooms. I found the library, where Clara showed me the photo albums. One shelf had Sarah Jane Smith, Rose Tyler, Jenny (me), Martha Jones, Donna Noble, Rory and Amy Williams, and the last, incomplete one was Clara Oswald. Then we headed back to the console room, and dad grinned at me, I grinned back, and the two of us started running around the console, smacking buttons and pulling levers. I didn't know how I knew what to do, I just did. I smiled at him. Nothing could tear the two of us apart, now that we were together.

Author's note- Hey, whovians! This is a filler, but you guessed that. Captain Jack's back! Sorry. Gotta go! Luv ya!

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