Chapter Eleven

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Luke's POV
It was seven-fifteen in the morning, and I was already awake. I saw that Clara and Jenny were downstairs, and finishing breakfast. Jenny put a finger on her lips, handing me an egg on toast. I finished it within five minutes, and grabbed my stuff. We got the vortex manipulator, grabbed hands, and I pressed the button. We landed in a small, empty room with a little window in the door. Nothing was in the hall, so I pulled up the holographic map that was programmed into the manipulator. It showed where we were, and where Alexis was. Jenny led the way, and suddenly, we ran into a Sontaran. I swung the hammer at the back of his head, and he dropped to the ground. After several wrong turns, more brainwashed Sontarans, and quite a few exploding Slitheen, we reached Alexis's cell. Jenny stood guard outside the door, and Clara and I went in. I nearly started crying at the sight of her. Her brown hair was matted and tangled, and her skin was paper-white, due to the fact she had almost no blood left in her body. She opened her eyes, smiling weakly at the sight of us.

"I knew you'd come. I knew you would." Clara turned the machine beside her off, and we gently removed the IVs from her hand, wrist, and chest. There was no time to put her blood back in her body, so we'd just have to take the canister with us. Jenny took the canister, Clara had the vinegar and hammer, and I gently lifted Alexis off the bed. She wasn't as heavy as I thought she was, and then, we got a nasty surprise. Madame Kovarian.

"Well, well, well. Why should I be surprised- who are you lot?!" I smirked.
"Not friends of yours, that's for sure. We're friends of the Doctor." She sneered, pulling out some type of a comm device. Then, I mentally face-palmed myself. I looked straight at the device, and it soared up out of her reach. I threw it across the room, and it shattered against the far wall.

"You little ******!!" Clara looked downright shocked at that, and Jenny set the canister down.
"Excuse me?! You do not talk to anyone here that way, got it?!" She lunged at Jenny, who jumped out of the way, knocking her out.
"Smooth. Let's go before she wakes up." Clara slid the hammer under her arm, and we all joined hands again as best we could. This time, we ended up in the kitchen, and Clara landed on the kitchen table, in Jack's eggs and toast. He poked her in the leg with his fork, and then realized what had happened. He hugged her, hollering at everyone else. I, however, went into the living room, gently laying Alexis on the sofa. Rose and the Doctor were the first ones to make it in there, along with Jenny. He grabbed her wrist, and I saw that Rose was crying. Mum hugged her, as the Doctor tried to figure out what was going on with Alexis. He winced, and she had her eyes half open.

"Well, I'm not going to sugarcoat this. She's not good. There are two options for getting her blood, well, back in her body. One, an injection twice daily, or simply put her on an IV, and connect it to this thing." He pointed his screwdriver at the canister.
"I say the IV. It would probably be safer." Rose said, rubbing her hand. The Doctor winced.
"Actually, no. The injection would be. But, she still could die either way." This started a fairly heated argument between the two, and Alexis whispered to me.
"Can you whistle and let them know I have a say in this?" I nodded, putting two fingers in my mouth and whistling. Everyone stared at me.
"Can Alexis have a say in this?! It's her life we're talking about." He nodded, and Alexis started talking, weakly.
"Thanks. I say IV. It may not be the easiest, but it's the fastest." The Doctor nodded, and I saw tears in his eyes.
"Doctor. I say we should listen to her and do the IV. It's her life, not any of ours." He finally obliged, and within a half hour, she was hooked up to it, in her room and comfortable. I sat with her, rubbing the back of her hand as she slept.

"Alexis, I promise you. I will always protect you, so long as I live. I will never intentionally hurt you. I promise."

Author's note- Hello my little whovian marshmallows! The answer for last chapter is.... Davros and Skaro!! This time....What form was Clara in when she first met the Doctor, and what did she call herself? This, the quote, and the video are in honor of, well, watch the video. Thanks for reading! Please vote and comment!

"Let me be brave. Let me be brave." - Clara Oswald, in Face The Raven.

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