Chapter Seventeen

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Alexis's POV
Luke and I had been married for just over a year, and things were mostly going well. We had moved into a house on Bannerman Road, as that seems to be where everyone else is living. We were all still alive, Isabelle was doing great, and we were happy. Mostly. I sat on the edge of our bed, looking at the results. Negative again. I tried to hold back the tears, but I couldn't. We'd been trying to have kids, but it didn't look too bright. I heard a knock on the door, and went to get it. I was grateful I was making lasagna, so in could blame the tears on the onions. I were having everyone over for a surprise party for Luke's birthday. Sarah Jane was at the door, early as always.

"Hi! Come on in. Sorry, I'm still finishing. It's kind of hard to finish with onions getting to you." She smiled, coming into the kitchen with me.
"You sure it's just the onions?" She asked kindly, and I looked at her.
"Why do you ask?" I slid the lasagna into the oven, closing the door, and she took my hands.
"Alexis, I've known you since you were thirteen. I know there's something wrong. What's going on?" A tear trickled down my cheek, and we sat on the sofa.
"Well.....We've been trying to have kids. Every time I think I am, it's still negative. It's not working. I.....I'm scared that I'm not able to, and if I can't, that he's going to leave. That's what we both want, is to have a family. And it's looking like I can't." She smiled, gently squeezing my hands.
"Now that's not true. Look at me. I may know you, but I know Luke too. And he's not just going to up and leave you just because you're not having kids. He loves you too much. Alexis, he is going to love you whether or not you can have children. He was willing to marry you even though he wouldn't have been able to live anywhere near as long as you. You're both still young. You have time. Don't lose hope." I smiled at her, and she hugged me.
"Thanks. I apparently needed to hear that." She smiled back, and stood.
"Now then. On to other things. I brought some more biscuits, and I also brought ice cream. You got a cake, right?" I nodded, standing with her.
"Yes. I just need to ice it. Is Sky with my mum and dad?" She nodded.
"Yes. She's helping with Isabelle. She has been getting into everything, and I mean everything. Your mum was ready to pull her hair out." I chuckled.
"Of course she was. Isabelle got some of dad's time lord intelligence, is what I'm guessing." We both laughed, and then Rani, Clyde, Jack, Clara, and their little ones showed up. Ten minutes before Luke arrived, mum, dad, Isabelle, Sky, Jenny, Gracey, and Robbie arrived. I stood at the window, watching for his car.

"Everyone! Hide! He's here! Quick!" We scrambled around, hiding here or there. It was trickier for Clara to hide, as she was pregnant again. The door clicked open, and I flicked the lights back on.

"Surprise!" He dropped the bag of chips, letting out a yell.
"Happy birthday, Luke." He caught his breath, putting his hand on my waist and kissing me.
"Thank you, love. Is it time to eat? I'm a little hungry." Every one laughed, and we sat down at there table, laughing at talking as we ate. Later that night, as I was loading the dishwasher, Luke came in. Sarah Jane had been the last to leave, and the two of them had been talking.

"Thank you, Lexa. That was wonderful." I smiled, kissing him on the cheek.
"I'm glad you enjoyed it. I think we startled you, though. Didn't we?" He chuckled, but I didn't miss the pain in his eyes, and I wiped my hands on a towel.
"What is it? What's wrong?" He sighed, taking my hand and we sat on the sofa.
"I'm worried about you. Mum told me about the conversation you two had this evening." I sighed, twisting my wedding ring on my finger.
"I figured she would. Luke, it's just hard. Seeing Rani and Clara, and even my mum, and they all have kids.....I....It's just so hard. And I'm afraid there's something wrong with me. That I can't have kids at all." He took my hand, placing the other hand on my cheek.
"Lexa, it's okay. Yes, I would like to have a family, and I know you would. But if we can't have kids of our own, we can adopt. And I'm not going to leave you just because you can't have kids. We can keep trying." I smiled at him, and he kissed my forehead. It wasn't going to be easy, but we'd pull through.

Luke's POV
I leaned against the door frame, smiling at my wife. She finished loading the dishwasher, and headed to our bedroom. I made sure the doors were locked, and everything was closed up. I headed back to the bedroom, changing. Lexa sat on the edge of the bed, looking at the picture on the wall from our wedding. I sat beside her, taking her hand again. She looked at me, and i smiled at her.

     "So....You were saying we can try again, weren't you? Tonight sound good to you?" She asked, a sneaky smile on her face. I pretended to scowl.
     "What? Tonight?" She smiled again.
     "Well....Maybe as a little bit of a birthday present from me to you?" I grinned, wrapping my arms around her, and we collapsed on the bed. Needless to say, it's a good thing it was Friday. We got almost no sleep at all that night.

Author's note- Hola! How are you, my favorite whovian readers?? What do you think? So, if you have any good names for a boy or a girl, please let me know! I need ideas fast!! Love you guys!- Craver_Priceless

Amy- "Doctor. Could we lose bunk beds this time?"
Doctor- "What? Bunk beds are cool! It's a bed with a ladder!" *Rory and Amy glare at him*
Doctor- "Fine. It's your room. Up those stairs, keep walking til you find it. Off you pop."

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