Chapter Nine

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Alexis's POV
I remembered my chest hurting, and I passed out, but that's it. Then, I started to wake up, and my head was pounding. I tried to reach up and touch my forehead, but I couldn't move my arm. I felt something cold and heavy on my wrists and ankles. Then, voices.

"Is she going to wake up soon? I thought I away her moving?" A man's voice. Didn't sound like anyone I'd heard before.
"Soon, daddy. Very soon. The anesthetic she was administered should wear off any moment now. Then we can have a little fun." I heard laughter, and a voice I knew very well.
"Well, if I know the brat, she's already awake and is listening to every word we say." I heard heels, and then pain spread through my cheek. I struggled to open my eyes, and I saw Madame Kovarian, Gracey, and someone else. A man, and my hearts skipped a beat. I could tell I shouldn't be around him.

"Well. If it isn't Alexis. I'm Harold Saxon, more commonly known as the Master. Pleased to finally meet you." I struggled for breath.
"You- you shouldn't be alive. You died. Mum's friend saw your body, and saw you go back through with Rassilon." He laughed.
"Yes, well...things can change when you're a Time Lord, can't they?" He looked at someone behind me.
"Bring her to the room, and we shall begin. Don't forget the serum. That's very important to this process. Understood?" I heard a strange voice.
"Yes, Master. What you say shall be done." I saw a man with a large, green, pear shaped creature. It had a glass vial of a glowing, green liquid. The man unlatched the shackles from my ankles and wrists, and he made me get up off the table I had been lying on. He grabbed a pair of handcuffs, locking them onto my wrists. They were too tight, and they cut into my skin very painfully. He blindfolded and gagged me, roughly dragging me through several hallways, letting me slam into the walls. Finally, we reached another room, where he removed the blindfold and gag, but not the handcuffs. I saw another large table-like bed, and I saw Gracey and the Master. Beside the bed, I saw a large machine, and four IV like tubes. The man removed the handcuffs, and instead of leaving me like that, he cuffed my hands in front of me. We were standing beside the bed, and Gracey was beside a computer.

"Kovarian? We're ready." She tapped a couple of keys, and something else came up. The Master stepped forward, grabbing my arms, and the man grabbed my legs, and they pretty much tossed me on the bed, strapping me down.

"What are you doing? Let me go! Please!" I was nearly sobbing, and Gracey just smiled wickedly, taking a syringe from the creature.
"Sorry, Lexi. We've gone too far to go back now. Don't worry. Oh, wait. I'm sorry. You should worry. This serum will paralyze you, but you'll still be able to feel your limbs. You just won't be able to move them. We have to do this about every five hours for the next three days. That's how long this process will take, especially the way it is being done. " I struggled, trying to get away, but I couldn't. She moved my shirt off my shoulder, injecting me with the liquid. Within moments, I couldn't struggle anymore. They cuffed my hands to the bars on the bottom of the bed, and then Gracey got the tubes.

"Well, that was easier that I expected. I thought you would've put up more of a fight. Oh well." She put one of the needles in my right hand, one in my left wrist, and the other two, she put on either side of my chest. Then, they started the machine.

"What are you doing?" I croaked, feeling a burning sensation starting in my arms and chest.
"You read the research. Now, we just need blood to make it possible. And guess what? You're the donor! I'll see you later, for the next injection." They left, and tears streamed down my cheeks. Why? Why was this happening? I had been truly happy for threats six months, and now, that was being torn apart.
"Mum, Doctor, Sarah Jane, Luke, Jenny, please. Please help me." I whispered. I knew that would come. I just didn't know if they'd get here in time.

Luke's POV
Five hours later, Jenny and I had scoured the attic, and were searching Alexis's room, trying to find any clue as to where Madame Kovarian and the Master had taken her. I opened a small box, and I found a watch type thing, and showed it to Jenny, who whooped, dashing down the stairs. I followed, and we found the Doctor.

"This-this was in her room." Jenny said, breathing heavily. He grinned.
"Blimey! It's locked onto coordinates for you! And there's a note. It's for you, Luke." I unfolded it, reading it, and I looked up at him.
"She wants only me, Jenny, and Clara to come. She said she has everything ready, we just have to activate this." I looked at mum, who was looking at the Doctor.
"Doctor, you can't possibly consider allowing the three of them to go alone! What if something happens, and they get caught?!" The Doctor looked at me, winking, and he turned to mum.
"For starters, I'd be shocked if they got caught. Even if they did, Jenny would make them wish they hadn't ever met her. Second, it's not a good idea for me or Rose to go. Me, because then they'd get pure Time Lord blood, no human. No offense, Jenny." She grinned.
"None taken, dad." He winked at her.
"And, they'd be expecting Rose to come. Not good to do something they'd expect. Clara, Jenny, and Luke and the three safest people to send. You've traveled in the Tardis so much, and the Master knows you. The three of them haven't had an encounter with any of them yet, so he won't know what to expect." Mum sighed.
"Fine. Jenny, Clara, if you don't bring him back in one piece..." I groaned.
"Mum, I can handle it! They've got Slitheen and Sontarans with them. We've faced both. I know what I'm doing. I just need a hammer, vinegar and a plastic cup." She sighed.
"Alright. You'll go in the morning. It's almost seven. You can leave at eight o'clock, right after breakfast. Got it?" We nodded, and headed for bed. It would probably be a long, sleepless night.

Author's note- Hello Whovian marshmallows! The correct answer for last chapter is...Lucy Saxon. Next question! Easy one! Who were the Time Lords were fighting in the Time War? Please vote and comment!
"I love biting! Biting's excellent! It's like kissing, only there's a winner!" - Idris, in The Doctor's Wife.

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