Chapter 32 : am i wrong?

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*the next morning after stacy's pov*

Suara dering iphone membangunkanku dari tidur.


"Justin..." Aku mendengar suara sobatku yang sudah lama tidak memberi kabar kepadaku.

"Hey jay.." Ucapku dengan suara bangun tidurku. "Whats up?"lanjutku

"I'm sorry for disturbing your sleep, but i need to tell you something.."

Pernyatan jaden membuatku bingung

"What is it?"tanyaku

"I knew everything about you and stacy, you and selena's issues.. "

"Lemme get this things straight ok? So.. The fact is i still
Love selena" aku bohong. Tapi, semakin kesini.. Perasaanku semakin bingung. Apakah aku masih mencintai selena?

"No you're not! I know you very well justy! Selena is using you for her fame! She's even cheating on you and she is even acting like a slut behind your back!"bentak jaden.

"The fuck did you say?! She is not!! I love her!" Bentakku. Yap, aku merasa bahwa aku peduli terhadap selena.

"Whatever you say justin, i already warned you. So, if you still with selena and leave stacy alone and let her go like this you'll very soon will regret this."

"Whoa.. Calm the fuck down! She is with drake. I know that. She even had sex with him. What am i supposed to do?"

"Listen me, she will go to paris FOREVER. Because, her father works there and she will NEVER EVER BACK again. Get it?"

Stacy pergi ke paris?!?! Selamanya?!?!

"Oh really?? Should i believe this?"tanyaku tak percaya. "She is probably still here in LA, because she works here"lanjutku

"Whatever" jadenpun mematikan teleponnya.

Ugh! Masih pagi, udah di ajak berantem kaya gini. Aku melihat bahwa sekarang jam 6am. Akupun kembali tidur karna siang aku akan jalan berdua dengan selena.



"Plane to paris will be boarding now"

Aku, manuel dan papa pun masuk kedalam pesawat, aku mematikan iphoneku dan memasang sitbelt.


"Apa?" Jawab manuel.

"Lu tau tentang hubungan gue sama justin?"tanyaku

"Tau.. Kata gue juga, justin ga baik buat lu"ucap manuel.

"I love him"

"Love drives you crazy, isnt it?"tanya manuel.


"Now, we will live in bee country, we should open another page in out life and start the new beginning. Forget about justin, could you?"tanya drake.

"I'll try my best"jawabku

"Dont even disturbing me, i'm going to sleep"

Akupun menyalakan ipodku dan mulai menyalakan lagu. Aku berpikir, apakah aku salah jika aku melupakan justin dan memulai hidup yang baru di paris?

Am i wrong?




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