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You wipe out the sweat when you finally got a break from the bakery. It was a great job especially with the smell whiffing in your nose but when the bakery became busy, it would get overheated fast with the body heat and the blazing fire. You were outside now trying to get some cool air. Nearby you spotted the forge. You heard loud banging and clinking as you approached the shop telling you someone was at work. You walked up to a window and had a view of a boy hammering a sword. He inspected it before cooling it off with cold water.

"Hey, Hiccup," you called.

The boy looked up realizing someone called him and he put down the sword. "Oh, hey, [Name]," he smiled, "What are you doing around here?"

"I'm on break," you shrugged. "I needed to get cool air. It was getting too hot in there."

Hiccup shook his head. "Only you would want to cool down from the thing that warms you up."

You only waved him off. "Enough about me," you smiled, "what have you've been working on lately that you couldn't hang out with your friend?"

"I'm glad you asked. I've been thinking if I can't lift anything and throw it," he went on as he uncovered what looks like a canon, "why not have something do it for me?"

You entered the shop and study the contraption. It looked very detailed as you went along it. You went to touch a joint. "Have you test it out yet?" You touched the joint and it flung something out the window. You and Hiccup flinched when you both heard the bolas crash into something.

"The calibration is a little sensitive but it clearly works," he answered.

"Clearly," You repeated. "Well, I got to go back to work. I'll see you later at the Great Hall." You waved goodbye.

He stammered, "Bye, [Name]."

Later that day, your work day finally ended and you were about ready to have dinner with your best friend. You two walked next to each other up to the Great Hall. There were a group of kids who were the same age as you and Hiccup that walked past by the both of you. Most said a friendly hello to you like Fishlegs, Tuffnut, Ruffnut, and Snotlout (although his was a little too friendly). Astrid was the only one who didn't say anything. She merely looked at you then looked away. You didn't mind though. You just thought it was her shell or wall she built to become intimidating so she can become the best viking everyone has ever known. Besides her, everyone was nice to you.

To Hiccup? Not so much...

"Why are you hanging out with that loser?" Ruffnut sneered.

"Hey," You warned, "he's my friend."

"But why?" Snotlout gave a snooty tone. "It's obvious that you're way better than what he deserves."

"That's enough," you said sternly. You took a hold of Hiccup's hand and started walking away. Before you were out of ear shot for them, you turned your head saying, "He's better than what you deserve."

You heard Hiccup slightly chuckle when he heard the others laughing at your remark and Snotlout's face. Both of you continued and entered the Great Hall. You guys laughed and continued to talk. It was nice since it's been a few days the last time you talked to him.

"Do you think there would be a dragon raid soon?" Hiccup suddenly asked.

You looked up from your food and raised a brow. "I don't know. Why do you ask?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "I just want to finally test out my weapon."

You chuckled, "I'm sure you will here soon." You suddenly turned serious. "You have to promise me that you will be careful though, Hiccup."

He nodded and continued his meal in silence.

Who knew that raid would happen later that night.

Word Count: 654

Status: Unedited

How to Train Your Best Friend (Hiccup x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now